I Can Hear The Bells

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Chapter 16

Rachel paced backstage, again, as she awaited her performance.

Finn knew it would be hopeless to try to stop her, so he stood by and leaned on a wall. "Rachel," he said in a loud whisper, "stop pacing, you're making me nervous."

"Finn, I'm stressed out! If I don't do well in this performance, all my dreams are crushed! My whole future depends on this performance!" She whispered yelled.

"The New Directions!" The announcer said, and Rachel ran on stage.

The entire performance went by in a blur and Rachel could barely think anything but one word; Broadway.

They ran offstage, again screaming and crying with joy and happiness. "That was amazing!" Tina yelled, hugging Mike.

"When is this scout coming by?" Finn whispered to Rachel.

"After awards." Rachel answered as their was a knock at the door.

"Is everyone decent?" Jesse asked, walking in with his eyes closed.

"Shut up Jesse, and come hug me!" Rachel shouted, jumping into his arms.

"You did great sissy, and everyone else was amazing." He addressed the whole glee club.

"I think we all need to get back on stage for awards!" Santana yelled, rolling her eyes.

Jesse left to go with his team and everyone stood on stage. "Third place; Oral Intensity!"

Their team cheered, and eventually shuffled off stage. Rachel squeezed Finns hand harder. Jesse glanced at Rachel and gave her a reassuring smile.

"And in first place," everyone gasped for breath and held it, "New Directions!"

They cheered and screamed and shouted, and hugged each other. "We won!" They all shouted together.

Rachel glanced over at Vocal Adrenaline and saw all their sad faces. She went over and hugged Jesse, whispering, "you did amazing."

"You too. Congratulations, you finally beat your big brother!" He teased, "go get with your team, everyone's filing out. I love you."

"Love you too." Rachel ran away and jumped right into Finns arms, kissing him gently.

The New Directions went back to their room and celebrated, when Mr. Schue came in with Mrs. Pillsbury, both smiling ear to ear.

"We did it! We won and beat Vocal Adrenaline!" Everyone engaged in a group hug, and Rachel was awaiting the knock that would reveal her future.

"Excuse me," their was a knock, and Rachel gasped, squeezing Finns hand. "I hate to interrupt, by the way, you were all amazing. Congrats on your win." Linda smiled, and Finn kissed Rachel's head. "Rachel, come outside please."

She stole one last glance at Finns reassuring face before stepping out with Linda. "Rachel, I was floored by your performance tonight and yesterday. It would be a pleasure to have you as Eponine in Broadway!"

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing, thank you so much." Rachel smiled, her heart beating a million beats per second.

"Amazing. Here's the script and sheet music. I have flight reservations for two days." Linda started.

"I don't have anywhere to live in the city."

"I've got that covered. You now live in a penthouse two blocks away from the Imperial theater where you will perform. Here's my card, call me if you need anything else or have questions. And you may tell all your friends. Oh, and I have tickets for them all for opening night. I'll see you in three days. Report to the theater at noon on Monday. Congrats and I'll see you soon." Linda left Rachel standing the hallway, speechless.

Rachel's back hit the wall and she stared at the fat script in her hands. She wouldn't have to do much studying, as she's dreamed of playing this role.

She walked back inside, shocked, as she looked down at the script.

"You made it?!" Finn yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. Rachel just nodded slowly, being scooped into Finns arms. "I knew you would make it, Rach!"

"Uh, what's did she make?" Tina whispered to Mike, who shrugged.

"Oh shit, I didn't tell them." Rachel sighed, addressing her glee mates, "the other day, on my 'walk', I ran into a Broadway scout who said she was watching me during nationals. If I did well, she said I'd be on Broadway as Eponine. And I made it!"

The entire glee club celebrated for a while before Kurt jumped onto Rachel, everyone following, except Quinn. "My best friend is gonna be on Broadway!" Kurt screamed, squeezing her tiny waist.

Once Rachel had explained everything to her glee club and Jesse, they headed back to their hotel. Everyone was started to unclothe and take off makeup and whatnot, but Rachel just sat in bed and read her script.

Nationals was fairly early, ending at noon. It was now 1pm, so everyone was lounging around in sweat pants and pajamas.

They popped a movie in the tv and everyone watched, but didn't really watch. Everyone was off in their own world with their boyfriends or girlfriends.

"Rachel," Finn mumbled, "I love you."

"I love you too, so much it hurts." She smiled, kissing him softly.

"Then let's get married." He whispered, a huge grin on his face.


"We love each other so much. You're going back to New York for Broadway for who knows how long, and we won't see each other. I never want to be without you, and though I trust you 100% to never look at anyone else, I want to be certain that you will love me forever and never doubt it." Finn explained, causing Rachel to smile.

"How long have you had this crazy thought in your mind?" Rachel wondered, sitting in his lap.

"Since you told me about Linda."

"Let's do it." Rachel grinned.

"Really? Are you sure?" Finn asked, excited but reassuring.

"Positive. And I'm confident you won't look at any other girls when I'm gone, but I want to make sure." Rachel smiled. "Come on, I'll change my dress and you can go get into something nicer."

"Should we tell everyone else?" Finn asked, glancing around at the glee club who all sat on their beds.

"Do you?" Rachel asked, sighing.

"I'm not sure. Actually, they'll weigh us down. Just get ready and be done in ten minutes and we'll leave." They both got up, frantically running around the room.

Nobody noticed, except Santana after a while. "You two are pissing my off with your running around. What the hell are you doing?!" She shouted, and everyone laughed.

"Nothing!" Finn and Rachel yelled at the same time, then laughed at each other.

"You'll find out soon." Finn explained, "babe, we have to go."

Rachel and Finn rushed out the door, ready to start the rest of their lives together.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now