I'm Going Back Home

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"Jesse," I said nervously. I walked into his room while he was sitting on his bed, appearing to be studying for a test of some sorts, "Can I talk to you?"

He looked up nervously, shoving all his books off the bed, "Of course, come here,"

I sat in front of him on the bed and nervously wrung my hands together. I was nervous about telling Jesse about the pregnancy because of last time. He freaked out and ignored me for close to a year.

"What's wrong?" Jesse asked, forcing me to look at him.

"Please, don't freak out," I said quickly, "it was a mistake and I didn't mean for it to happen," I babbled on, "and I know you might be mad at me, but I love you and I bed your help with his-"

He sighed, sitting back against the headboard, "You're pregnant, aren't you?" I nodded, "Did you tell Brody yet?"

I actually let off a tiny smile, "It's not Brody's," I mumbled.

He sat up immediately, "Than who's is it?"

"Um," I said, "Finns."

"Finn?" Jesse said confused, "When did you see Finn?"

"He came to visit two months ago. Obviously now you know what we did then," I blushed, "and he just left in the middle of the night. And I have no way of contacting him and telling him,"

"This is insane, Rachel," I waited for him to start yelling at me again, "but I can't abandon you again. You're my sister and I love you,"

I sighed of relief, "Oh, thank you so much," I flung myself into his arms.

"Mommy!" I heard Rosemary gushing in the doorway.

"Oh my little girl," I cooed, picking her up and spinning her around the apartment, "I love you,"

She just smiled and bounced in my arms. As I sat down on the couch, my phone buzzed. Kurt was asking me if it was okay for him and Blaine to come over. I, of course, responded that it was okay.

So five minute later, Kurt and Blaine were bursting through the door. Rosemary squirmed in my arms, reaching towards them.

I giggled at her, handing her to Blaine and Kurt. "How are you feeling, Rachel?" Blaine asked, kissing my cheek from behind me.

"I'm alright, I got sick a few times last week, and I've gained a few pounds already. I should show soon," I gave off a small smile.

"Good for you, Rach," Blaine said, sitting across from me with Rosemary on his lap.

"So we wanted to talk to you about something," Kurt said, "The New Directions got to nationals. Mr. Schue contacted all the original glee members to go for a week and help out. Nationals are here anyway, and their actually at NYADA. Would you be willing to go and help? You are our main singer," Kurt asked, a hopeful smile on his face.

"Of course I'll go," I said excitedly.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now