For Good

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Chapter 22

Rachel was dressed in a tight, short, black dress with her hair curled, supposed to be at an interview. But she was on a private jet instead, back to Ohio.

Rachel looked stunningly beautiful, and many people hit on her on the way to the theater in the morning. But something about looking that way made Rachel need to go home.

So, she went home and packed all her stuff and headed home. For good.

The first stop she made was at her house, which she hadn't sold. She also learned that the entire glee club moved into it after she left.

All she did was throw her bags in her room before running back to McKinley. If she was lucky, and had the times right, everyone would be in glee now.

Her heels clicked against the floor of her old school, and she felt like an outsider now more then ever. Well, an extremely hot one that everyone stared at.

Rachel could have sworn she saw some guy break up with his girlfriend just so he could stare at her. She giggled to herself.

The bell rang and everyone ran to their classes, and some slapped Rachel's butt in the process.

She wandered that halls for a while before finally getting to the choir room. Mr. Schue had been talking, when Kurt and Mercedes ran up and hugged Rachel.

"How's the baby?" Kurt whispered.

"I have an ultrasound, I'll show you later." She whispered back, holding her friends.

Everyone else, except Quinn and Santana, came up and hugged Rachel. "What are you doing back, my hot Jewish princess?" Puck smirked, "and why are you wearing that dress?"

"I'm wearing this dress because I'm supposed to be at an interview, but I bailed. I'm here because I have news that can't be ignored." Rachel smirked, grabbing Kurt and Mercedes' hands. "I'm pregnant. And it's Finns." She added quickly, hugging everyone again. "Holy shit, where's Finn?" She asked, almost forgetting that she revealed her news and forgot he could have been there.

"He has the flu really bad is with his mom at home. Been out for the whole week." Artie explained.

"Oh, that really sucks." Rachel sighed.

"Go." Sam said.


"It's obvious that the reason you came back was because you're pregnant. Go see the baby daddy!" Tina encouraged.

"Thanks guys. I'll see you all tomorrow." Rachel waved goodbye and headed out to her car.

When she got to Finns house, she took a deep breath, and changed into moccasins. She knocked in the door, and Carole answered.

"Oh my goodness, what are you doing here? I thought you were in New York!" Carole whispered, hugging her letting Rachel in.

"I came back, for reasons you'll find out soon. Actually, let me just tell you." She reached in her bag and pulled out the ultrasound, handing it to Carole.

"You're pregnant?" She gasped. "Oh Rachel, this is amazing! Does Finn know?"

"No, and I'm not going to tell him now. I heard he has the flu really bad. I came by to check on him, and spend some time here." Rachel said.

"Oh, he's in his room. It's a mess, just to warn you." Carole shuttered.

"Ok, thanks." Rachel put her bag down on the couch before walking slowly up the stairs to Finns room.

She knocked on the door quietly, opening it and seeing Finn asleep on the bed. She could tell right away he was extremely sick.

She gently sat on the edge of the bed, and began moving his hair out of his eyes. His eyelids fluttered open after a while, and he leaned into Rachel's touch. "Hey Finn. Are you feeling okay?" She spoke gently.

"Rachel?" He asked.

"Ya, I'm here. I'm came back for you." She explained, kissing his forehead.

"I don't want to get you sick." He said breathlessly.

"I couldn't give a damn if I get sick. I get to see you, and that's all that matters." Rachel cooed, and Finn smiled.

"Thanks for coming over." Finn whispered.

"It's not a big deal."

"So why did you come back?" Finn asked, as Rachel laid beside him.

"You'll find out soon. I'll tell you when you're feeling better." That seem to make Finn uneasy and nervous, but Rachel told him that it wasn't a big deal. Even though it was extremely big.

Rachel stayed the whole night, and left around 2am. Not that she actually wanted to leave.

Next order of business; Jesse.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now