Moving On, Letting Go

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Chapter 3

Sadly, things were awkward between Rachel and Finn for the rest of the week.

When the weekend rolled around, Rachel spent the morning unpacking the rest of her boxes. As she finished and sat down on her bed, her dad yelled, "Rachel, theirs someone here for you!"

"Who is it?" Rachel said quieter.

"Just come down here!" LaRoy called back.

Rachel groaned, pushing herself out of bed and down the stairs. When getting to the front door, she saw that the entire glee club was in her living room.

"Uh, hi. What are you all doing here?" Rachel asked, and everyone turned to look at her.

"Oh hey!" Kurt yelled, "we just wanted to come pay a visit to you because you didn't show up for the rest of school yesterday."

"And neither did Finn." Puck added, nudging his arm. He did look a little embarrassed, even though both Rachel and Finn knew nothing happened. Well, except the fact they almost kissed.

"Nothing happened." Rachel whispered, blushing.

"So, what should we do?" Tina asked.

"Well, their is a park down the block. We could just go and hang out." Everyone seemed to agreed, not having a better idea.

Everyone began to run down the sidewalk towards the park, Rachel and Finn falling behind in the back. They strolled next to each other, laughing as they watched their friends fight over who got to ride first on the swing.

"Rachel," Finn started, "are you okay about yesterday? You know, with what almost happened?"

"I'm not sure. I've never felt like this before. This is my first year ever in a school, I was always homeschooled. I've never felt love before. I'm trying to sort out my feelings." Rachel explained as best she could.

Finn nodded, and they got to where Santana was pushing Brittany on the swing. Rachel jumped over and sat on the other one, leaving Finn standing awkwardly.

"Are you gonna sit there and stare or push me?" Rachel taunted, smiling at him.

Finn began pushing Rachel as high as he could, her giggling. Everyone else there stopped to look at them as Finn caught Rachel from behind and pulled her off the swing.

If you were a stranger, you could say that the two were a couple madly in love.

Kurt placed a hand to his heart, and the other on Merecedes' shoulder. "I can see it, young love."

Puck snuck up behind them, whispering, "I give them two weeks before they kiss or get together."

"No, I can see it in both their eyes. I give it a few days before they kiss." Kurt fought back.

"It's a bet." They shuck hands and turned their attention to where Brittany was trying to pet a wild bunny.

"Brit, don't do that!" Kurt yelled, running over and pulling her away.

After several hours at the park, it was dark and they headed back to her house. The temperature dropped and everyone was starting to shiver.

"We can all go back to my house, grab a bunch of blankets, and make s'mores in the backyard." Everyone agreed, running back to her house.

Rachel and Mercedes grabbed all the blankets they could find and brought them outside. After Rachel started the fire, she went back in to get all the stuff for s'mores.

She grabbed everything, but Hiram stopped her. "What?"

"You like that boy." He concluded.

Rachel blushed, "who, Finn? No I don't."

"Aww," LaRoy added, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Our little girl has already found love!"

"Ugh, you two disgust me." She rolled her eyes sarcastically and walked back out.

Everyone started make s'mores, laughing as they told stories to each other. "So what now?" Santana asked, looking bored.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" From there, everyone started to go around telling random stories to each other.

After another hour, everyone else was gone and Finn and Rachel were left. Rachel let off a small shiver and Finn noticed.

"You're cold, let's go inside." They both killed the fire, cleaned up, and went back in her house.

They sat down on the couch and just watched tv for a while. LaRoy and Hiram claimed they went to bed, but Rachel was sure they were listening through the air vent.

Finns hand slowly wrapped around Rachel's, and she smiled, entwining their fingers together. Once they were both comfortable, Rachel laid her head on his shoulder.

The two fell asleep like that, wrapped in each other's arms.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now