Christmas Bells Are Ringing

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Chapter 11

Christmas was now a week away, Rachel was dreading it. She would be spending Christmas somewhat alone, without Finn.

Her dads had now taken over for Jesse, and he returned home. But they would be going over to Jesses for Christmas Day.

Rachel finished all her Christmas shopping, and all the presents were wrapped and underneath her tree.

"Rachel, stop daydreaming and come on!" Mercedes yelled as she pulled Rachel along. The glee club was decorating the school for Christmas, their last day before winter break.

As they set up a tree in the school lobby, Finn stole a glance at Rachel. She smiled at him, blushing and looking away.

The week passed quickly, and soon it was Christmas Day. Rachel silently opened all her presents like a little kid and silently thanked her dads for them.

She showered and put on an animal sweater, warm pants, and boots before curling her hair and putting on a red beret for Jesses house. Well, her mom and Jesses house.

Once she was ready, her dads drove her over to the other house. Upon arrival, Rachel jumped into Jesses arms. "Wow, I lived in your house for three months and you still can't get enough of me, can you?" Jesse chuckled, hugging his sister.

Rachel and her mom sat down on the couch and started watching A Christmas Story while Jesse talked to LaRoy and Hiram.

She figured she wasn't supposed to hear their conversation, but heard bits and pieces of it.

"Is she any better? Has she talked?" Jesse asks.

"No, no progress. She hasn't made a peep. Sometimes she just sits in her room with the lights off, that's not good." They came back in the room and did gifts for each other.

At around 3pm, Rachel got a text from Kurt. 'Open your door'. Confused, she opened the door to see Kurt and Mercedes.

"Come on, we'll have her back before dinner." Rachel tried to resist but they pulled her out of the house.

They drove her to a field that was still full of Christmas trees. Mercedes and Kurt pulled her out, and to the middle of the field where she saw Finn smiling at her.

She tried to turn and walk away, but the two pushed her back. "Have fun you two!" They yelled running away.

Rachel took a step forward, looking at him. "Before I start to say anything, I wanted to tell you that Quinn is not pregnant. She was lying to break us up, and she did that and a lot more."

Rachel was speechless, even if she wasn't talking. "Rachel, I love you. I never stopped. Even when I thought Quinn was having my baby, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I don't want to be with anyone else but you." He stepped forward, putting an arm around her waist and pressing their lips together.

Rachel missed the feeling of his lips. She quickly succumb to him.

Once they pulled away, Finn got down on one knee, causing Rachel to gasp as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black box. "Shh, I'm not proposing." He opened the box, "this is a promise ring. I want to marry you one day, Rachel. So, will you accept this ring?"

Rachel nodded, smiling. He slid the ring on her finger, standing and kissing her again. They pulled apart and he whispered, "I love you."

Rachel took a deep breath, "I love you too."

Finn pulled back quickly, a huge grin on his face. "You talked! You said words!" Rachel giggled as he spun her around. "Say something else."

"I love you and I will never take this ring off. Thank you." Just then, it started to snow around them, making it the perfect winter scene. Rachel shivered, and Finn pulled her into another hug.

"Let's get you home, it's getting cold." Rachel nodded, and took a step before being hauled into Finns arms.

"I can walk you know." She croaked, smiling and kissing his cheek.

"I don't care. I was a dick to you and I'm making it up." Once they were in Finns car, warm and driving away, he turned the radio on.

"My voice is going to sound terrible!" She suddenly squeaked.

"Well, you do have an entire week to practice it." Rachel nodded.

"Oh, I have your present and a present for your sister in my bag." Rachel remembered.

"You carried around the presents?" Finn asked, and Rachel shrugged.

"It was just me trying to be hopeful." She gasped, "how am I going to tell everyone? Oh wait, no, I have the perfect plan." She smirked as they arrived at her moms house. "Come to the door with me."

They walked to the door together, and Rachel knocked. "Jesse is probably gonna answer, just let him yell at you." Finn nodded, chuckling.

As the door opened, Jesse locked eyes on Finn. "You." He spat out, and Rachel pushed past him to get the presents. He babbled on for a while to Finn before Rachel forced him to sit, staying silent.

She kissed Finn goodbye and shut the door, smiling. "You got back together with him?" Jesse asked and Rachel just nodded, staying silent.

The night went on great, and they are dinner at the table. And some interesting events happened at dinner.

Everyone was quiet, eating and enjoying it. Suddenly, Hiram spit out his water. "Is that a ring Rachel Berry?! Dear god, please tell me that Finn boy did not propose to you!" He shouted.

Rachel smiled, shaking her head. "Good, because you're too young for that."

After dinner and a movie or two, Rachel and her dads head home. Rachel went to bed the second she got home, happy she got her man back.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now