Baby, It's Cold Outside

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Chapter 12

Rachel yawned as she walked down the stairs the next morning. "Good morning dads." She said, grinning to herself.

"Good morning, Rachel. Breakfast?" LaRoy asked, and she nodded.

"Please. Thank you." She sat down on the couch and began eating. She waited for her dads' reactions.

After a while, she heard, "wait, what?!" They screamed, rushing towards her.

"What? I just accepted breakfast." She smiled, standing up.

"Oh, our little girl is perfectly fine again!" LaRoy gushed, and they engaged in a family hug. "Go call Jesse."

Rachel rushed to get her phone and dialed Jesses number. "Uh, hey?" Jesse answered, sounding tired.

"Hi Jesse." Rachel said, holding back a giggle.

"Hey, who is this?" Jesse asked.

"Rachel, your sister." She said expectantly.

"Oh my god! You're talking! That's amazing!" Jesse cheered. "I have to call the doctor!" He shouted, hanging up.

All Rachel wanted to do was sit in her room, but her dads wouldn't let her. They just wanted her to talk to them.

So after they had a pointless, hour long conversation, she took a walk. She bundled herself in a coat, scarf, gloves, and a beret. Looking at herself, she looked really pretty and fashionable.

"Dads, I'm going for a walk!" She called, her voice slightly raspy.

She walked outside, down the block, and sat on the swing in the park. She pumps her legs slowly, and got a little bit of height.

But when someone placed their hands on her hips and pushed her, she stopped the swing, jumping in fear. She looked behind her to see Finn grinning at her. "Oh my god, you scared the hell out of me."

"Hmm, it's nice to hear your voice again after three months of me not hearing it." Finn smiled, leaving in to kiss her.

After they pulled away, Finn sat on the swing next to Rachel. "So how did your plan work with your dads?"

"They didn't realize at first, but then went insane and wouldn't let me leave. But I guess, that's the price I have to pay for what I did." She shrugged.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that." He motioned towards himself, so Rachel went and sat on his lap. "Why did you do that?"

"I was mad. At you, at myself for letting my guard down, at Quinn because she's such a bitch. Finn, you need to realize that I've never had a great life. My dads have made me move everywhere in the country. I was bullied constantly. I've cut, starved myself, forced myself to get sick. I've never been completely happy with myself." She explained, laying her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know why you wouldn't live yourself. You're beautiful, and talented, and you may be shy, but you have the best personality anyone could ask for. You've gone through a lot, and you're still here, and that just makes you stronger." Rachel smiled, holding onto him. "Let's get home, we're both freezing."

As they took a few steps in the direction of Rachel's house, she groaned. "I don't want to go back home. Let's go back to your house." Finn and Rachel ran off towards his house, and got there in five minutes.

They ran in, slightly laughing. After grabbing blankets for themselves and getting hot chocolate, they realized it had been snowing for the past hour and now had an inch of snow on the ground.

Marisa, Finns sister, came running out of her room in pajamas. "It's snowing! Finny, can we go outside?" She asked, sitting on his lap and giving him puppy eyes.

"Uh, but I just got warm." He groaned.

"Aww," Rachel whined, "come on Finny, let's go outside!" Each girl pulled one of his hands and shoved him out in the snow.

Rachel and Marisa pushed him down and giggled, beginning to start throwing snowballs at each other. Eventually, Finn snuck up behind Rachel and picked her up, leaving her defenseless. "Put me down!" She squealed, as Marisa threw more snow at her.

"Hit her Marisa!" Finn screamed, and his mom got home.

"Oh, look at you three! You're all cold and snowy. Get inside, I'll make some dinner." Finn picked up Marisa and ran inside, leaving Rachel to laugh at them.

After an amazing dinner of chicken soup, Finn drove Rachel home. As they kissed goodbye, and Rachel entered her house, she would soon realize that her life was going to change forever.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now