I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane

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Chapter 17

"I'll miss you guys." Rachel sighed as her luggage was loaded onto the private jet to the city.

"We'll miss you too." Tina added, and Rachel laid her head on Finns shoulder who had his arm around her waist.

Everyone had been incredibly supportive of Finn and Rachel's decision to be wed, after a long state of shock. And now the couple had been happily married for two days.

"I have to go guys." Rachel groaned, hugging everyone a last time. The rest of the glee club all left in their cars as Rachel turned to Finn. "I wish you could come with me."

"I do too, but I need to stay for glee, and my mom, and school. I would go. And also my mom said I couldn't." He mumbled the last part.

Rachel giggled, kissing his cheek. "It's okay. I'll miss you so much." She threw her arms around him, pressing their lips together.

"I'll miss you too." The pilot started yelling at her to get in. "I guess you have to go."

"I love you." Rachel whispered the last time.

"I love you too. Now go take over New York." Rachel giggled, wiping away her tears and walking onto the plane.

Rachel put her bags down, sitting down in a really comfortable seat. She pulled out a few things as they took off, and Rachel closed her eyes and fell asleep.

A few hours later, she was waken by her laptop buzzing loudly. FaceTime.

Rachel jumped up, yawning. She answered, still yawning. "Hey guys." She drew out.

"I think Rachel is a little tired." Mercedes giggled, holding onto Sam's hand.

"I just woke up before," she lied, "but what's up?"

"We miss you!" Kurt burst out.

"Oh god, please, I haven't even been gone for a day." She growled, "but I miss you too." She whispered, getting yelled at by the pilot to shut her laptop off. "I have to go, I'm landing soon. Love you, I'll call Finn when I land. Bye!"

Once Rachel landed and got her bags, she finally got to her penthouse. It was huge, white, and modern looking. Her bedroom was huge, and the bed extremely comfortable.

She unpacked a little bit before falling asleep at 5pm, until 9am the next morning. Thank you jet lag.

Rachel took a shower and threw clothes and makeup on before wandering outside. She managed to find her way to the Imperial Theater and saw everyone on the stage.

"Hey look, she's here!" Someone shouted. "Welcome to our family, Rachel!"

"Thanks." She smiled, becoming her old shy self. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Introductions. I'm Ramin Karimloo. I play Jean Valjean."

"Sam Hill, Cosette."

"Andrew Kober, ensemble."

"Will Swenson, Javert."

"Andy Mientes, Marius."

"Cassie Levy, Fantine."

"Kaela Settle, Madame Thenardier."

"Kyle Scatliffe, Enjolras."

"Nikki M. James, old Eponine."

"Chris McCarrell, Joly."

"Jason Forbach, I'm just really cool!" He smiled, and Rachel gigged, sitting in their circle.

"I'm Rachel Berry-Hudson." She smiled at her new last name.

"Excuse me. Did you get married in the past week?" Sam said sarcastically.

"Actually I did." Rachel restrained herself from bursting into laughter. "After Nationals, I got married."

"That's a new one." Kaela laughed.

"Call your husband!" Cassie screamed.

"Oh hell no, FaceTime him. Their is no way he is hotter then me." Chris said, cocky.

"Fine. But all my friends are in school. Unless they cut, which isn't unlikely." Rachel sighed to herself, FaceTimeing them.

Finn picked up almost immediately, but it was Brittany. "What do I do now? Oh my gosh, Rachel's stuck in my phone!"

"Brittany, that's my phone. And you answered a FaceTime." Fun said, and everyone laughed. "Hey Rach."

"Hi, everyone just wanted to see you." Rachel said, shrugging then letting everyone see his face.

"Damn, he is hotter then me." Chris said, sounding offended.

"Ok, you've been gone for a day. What happened?" Finn asked, laughing.

"Nothing, I'll call you later. Bye babe, love you."

"I love you too. Brittany, don't eat the stuffed bear!" He called as he hung up.

"Who's Brittany?" Andrew asked.

"Just a girl in glee club, she's a little off." Rachel giggled.

"Ok, so it's customary for the newbie to host a sleepover. Tonight, your apartment at 5. We bring food and drinks, you provide movies and pillows and blankets." Rachel nodded, suddenly becoming nervous.

They dismissed her and Rachel headed to her new home, getting ready. She threw all her blankets and pillows on the living room floor, except for the ones in her bedroom.

She put on fuzzy pants and Finns sweatshirt before getting a FaceTime from Jesse. "Hey babe!" Rachel called, tying her hair up.

"Hey baby sister, how's it going in New York?" He asked.

"Good, I can't talk for long because I have plans, but I'll call you tomorrow morning. Anyway, I met everyone at Les Miz today and their really nice and funny."

"But not as funny as me." Jesse smiled cutely.

"Everyone is funnier than you." Rachel said, rolling her eyes.

"Rachel, open up," someone yelled from behind her door, "it's Chris, your best friend who's hotter than your husband!" He shouted, and she heard Sam and Cassie giggle behind him.

"Bye Jesse." She hung up, running and answering the door.

After a while, everyone showed up and they started their party. Not bothering to care about anyone's age, they all got drunk off their asses.

"Let's play spin the bottle." Will slurred, and Andy nodded.

Well, Rachel wound up kissing every one of the guys and half the girls. By the end of the night, everyone was passed out in the living room and Rachel smiled.

She was happy with the life she was living now, even though she wished Finn and her glee friends were there.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now