Opening Night

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"Oh my gosh!" I said to Kurt three weeks later. "You know what we haven't done yet?"

"What?" He said, looking at me expectantly.

"We should go see a Broadway show next week!" I shouted, grabbing his hands and jumping around.

"Hmm, I don't know Rach. I have a lot with Vogue and I'm still trying to get into NYADA-"

"You've been working with that stuff nonstop. You've never missed a day of work and NYADA doesn't accept new members until next semester. Which is in three months. Take one night off." I whined, groaned.

"Ugh, fine." He said. "What show?"

"We should go see Les Miz!" I said convincingly.

"Ready to go visit your old buddy's?" Kurt teased.

"Of course. Come on, let's go! And I heard here writing a new Marius, and I saw a picture. He's hot." In my mind I was bursting into laughter at me describing Blaine, but wouldn't let my smirk show.

"I'm engaged to Blaine." He said, eyeing me.

"But you know what I mean. Let's go, I'll go buy tickets." I said, bouncing off to my room.

"Text me the details! Blaine and I have to go do some stuff with the adoption." He shouted, leaving the apartment.

I didn't even have to buy tickets because Blaine got Kurt and I tickets for opening night.

I didn't do much for the next few days, just going on a few walks with Rosemary and dinner with Jesse and his girlfriend.

On the day of Blaine's opening, I woke up feeling different. My heart felt empty. I've felt more alone than ever. But I didn't know why. Until I looked at my phone and saw the date.

May 11th.

I immediately broke down in tears, burying my head in the pillows. "Oh, Rach." Jesse said, running in and embracing me.

"I haven't realized until now how much I miss him." I cried out, clutching his shirt. "It's taken me this long to realize how much I love him and can't live without him."

Jesse didn't respond, he just held me tighter and tucked my head into the crook of his shoulder. We sat like that for hours- I wasn't sure how long exactly- and I just cried into his shoulder.

"Okay now?" Jesse asked, pulling away and wiping my cheeks.

"No." I said, falling backwards on my bed. "But can I just be alone to my depressing thoughts?" I mumbled, burying myself under the blankets.

"Don't do anything stupid." He whispered before walking out of my bedroom.

"No promises." I mumbled, closing my eyes and resisting the urge to hurt myself.

So after another few hours and a couple cuts, I began to get ready to go out with Kurt. I showered, curled my hair, and pulled on my dress. My stomach grew a little bit in the past week, but I could still see my feet.

I drove to Kurt's apartment to pick him up for the show, wanting desperately to get Finn off my mind. And Kurt didn't help the situation that much.

"Hey girl." He said. "Missing Finn?"

"I don't want to talk about him. I just want to go see the show and enjoy it with you." He nodded, looking at me sympathetically.

We drove to the theater, screaming out lyrics to showtunes. We were running a little bit late so we had to run to get to our seats before the show started. And Kurt didn't even look at his playbill. Perfect.

I smirked, sitting back in my seat and watching Ramin and Will sing Look Down.

I wished I could be up on stage again. But of course, when there's an opportunity, I have to get pregnant again.

I'll love this baby with all my heart- don't get me wrong- but I missed the stage. I missed taking a bow after a show and hearing thunderous applause. For me and only me.

Kurt gasped, frantically searching for my hand. "Is that Blaine?!" He said amazed.

"Ya!" I giggled, pushing him back in his seat.

We watched the rest of the show and Kurt was buzzing with excitement. When Blaine started singing Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, something amazing happened.

The baby started kicking! This was my baby's first kicks!

"Kurt!" I gasped, searching for his hand and putting it on my stomach. He smiled at me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

Kurt was the first one to stand during curtain call- for Blaine of course.

"We have to get backstage!" Kurt said as everyone filed out.

"I figured." I giggled. "Let's go." I pulled him backstage and towards Blaine's dressing room. "Delivery for Blaine Anderson!" I shouted, banging on the door.

Kurt jumped into his arms when he opened the door, and I giggled at the two, kissing Blaine's cheek. "You were amazing!" Kurt said excitedly. "Why did you keep this a secret from me?"

"I wanted to surprise you." Blaine said, pulling away and finishing getting ready to stage door.

"Stage dooring is fun." I smiled, sitting on the couch. "It might take you extra time because it's your opening night though." He nodded, tying his bow tie. "And guess what?" I said excitedly. "The baby started kicking when you were singing!"

"I'm honored." He said, pressing his hand to his chest dramatically. "But that's amazing, Rach."

"Started kicking then and won't stop now." I giggled, rubbing my stomach. "Oh!" I said, stopping him from putting his nice clothes on. "I wouldn't do that. And I'd take your bow tie off."

"Why?" He asked, doing as I said.

"Go outside and find out." He looked at me confused, but walked outside of his dressing room. We heard a bang, and then lot of laughing. Blaine came back in with his face covered in pie. "That's why." I giggled.

"Thanks Rach." Blaine said, going to wash the pie off his face.

"I got that pie the hard way. It's an opening night tradition for the newbies. I hated getting it, but it's so fun to do it." I giggled.

So after his face was clean and he was clothed again, he stage doored. After that, we went out for a quick dinner and then went our separate ways back home.

And now I'm back to doing nothing all day except Rosemary and NYADA.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now