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I sat at the kitchen table, my fingers tapping nervously against the wood. Rosemary was across from me in her high chair, picking with her fingers at a bowl of Cheerios. I occasionally look up and make faces at her, making her giggle.

Kurt and Blaine have had their daughter for two weeks now, and they say she's finally warmed up to them. Kurt said he was going to call me today about when they were going to be in her over to meet me.

"I'm leaving Rach!" Jesse shouted. "Don't miss me too much!"

"I'm positive I won't!" I shouted back, and Rosemary giggled again at my silly faces.

My phone still hasn't rung. I sighed, standing up. Now was when I started struggling to walk- with a seven month pregnant stomach.

"Mommy!" Rosemary shrieked, pushing her bowl of Cheerios onto the floor.

"What munchkin? What's wrong?" I asked, not bothering to bend over to pick up the cereal. I just lifted her onto my hip and kissing her temple. She pointed to where my phone was buzzing on the table. "Hello?" I said urgently.

"Hey Rach!" Kurt said happily from the other line. "Ready for us?"

"Of course!" I shouted, making Rosemary squirm. I put her down on the floor and she started running around.

"Perfect! We'll be there in ten minutes." Kurt said, hanging up.

I squealed in excitement. Rosemary looked at me confused. I gave her another face and she laughed, her tiny feet carrying her into her bedroom.

Their was a knock at the door a few minutes later. "Come in!" I shouted from the kitchen, cleaning my hands with a towel and slowly making my way into the living room. "Hi!" I said excitedly, eyeing the cute little girl on Blaine's hip.

"Hey Rach, this is Ria." Kurt said, smiling towards his new daughter.

"Hi Ria." I said sweetly. "I'm Rachel." She just buried he head in Blaine's shoulder, clutching his shirt.

"She's a little shy." Blaine explained, kissing her head.

"It's okay." I smiled, inviting them in more. "Do you guys want anything?" I asked, going towards the kitchen.

"Ugh, Rachel, you're pregnant." Kurt said. "Sit down and relax for a little bit. I can get us drinks." He pushed me down on the couch, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I have a daughter, ya know. I care for her every day." I pointed out.

"Well, we're here and you deserve some sort of break." Blaine finished for Kurt.

I rolled my eyes, sitting back and putting my hand on my huge stomach. "So do you like your daddy's Ria?" I asked.

She looked up from Blaine's shoulder, smiling and nodding at me. "They're nice." She said quietly.

"Well, you're just cute as a button." I said, and she giggled at me.

Kurt came back and handed me a glass of tea, and gave Ria a little sippy cup full of chocolate milk. He kept two water bottle or himself and Blaine.

"And how's life at home?" I asked, sipping my tea.

"A little hectic, but I think we've got it under control." Kurt said assuringly, pinching Ria's cheek. "Right RiBug?" She nodded again, giggling.

I smiled when I realized that they could be a family now. But my family would be forever broken. Just because Finn's gone.

Sighing, I took another sip of my tea. We all turned our attention to the TV, laughing at whatever was on.

This little girl would bring a new energy to our little family, and I couldn't wait for the years to come.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now