Pure Imagination

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Chapter 14

"Rachel, stop stressing. Everything will be fine. After tomorrow, this will be all over." Finn cooed, pulling Rachel into his chest.

She took many deep breaths, nodding her head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong. Let's take a break for now and we'll come back to it." Rachel agreed, and threw all the funeral plans aside.

"I don't want to go back to school."

"That's still three days away, and you have an excuse. You go back when you're ready." Rachel nodded again.

They had lunch together in Rachel's silent house, and she sighed. "I don't want to leave this house."

"Where are you going to live?" Finn asked quietly.

"With my mom. Me and Jesse had to bribe her so much so she would let me stay there. She doesn't like me, but I'll be living with Jesse so that makes up for it." Rachel explained. "I think I want to go to bed."

After Finn left, Rachel made a home stretch to finish all the funeral stuff, and she did. At 3am, she did.

So after sulking around the house with Jesse the next day, it was the day of the funeral.

Rachel spent a total of a half hour on her hair, makeup, and clothes, when usually it takes an hour or two. She sighed as she looked in the mirror, wearing black and having a sad expression on her face.

She went into the bathroom to see Jesse attempting to tie his tie, and Rachel laughed. She walked over, taking it from his hands. "You know, men are the ones who wear the ties, but the woman always tie them. Why is that?"

"Because men are incredibly stupid and woman are incredibly smart." Jesse said, and they both smirked.

"You chose your words very well, good job." They both laughed.

Rachel glanced at the time. "I guess we should go." She whispered, and they left with everything they needed.

Upon arriving at the funeral home, Rachel was hesitant about going into their room. "It'll be okay." Jesse assured, holding her hand and pulling her inside.

They put their stuff down and approached the caskets, Rachel already was tearing up. Jesse squeezed her hand as they gazed down at the two men.

Rachel broke down in tears, collapsing in Jesses arms. "I want them back!" She shouted as Jesse sat them down.

"I know you do." He cooed, stroking her hair.

After Rachel calmed down and people started to show up, she approached Jesse. "Mom isn't coming, is she?" Se asked hopelessly.

"I'm sorry." Jesse replied, and Rachel just walked away.

She approached her dads' caskets, kneeling down and setting her head down. "Hi dads, it's Rachel here." She whispered, "I'm not sure if you can hear me, but everyone always says its good to talk about your feelings. I really want you back. I miss you both so much. I don't have much anymore, I only have Jesse and Finn, and glee. I need my dads. I have to sell the house, and live with mom. My life is depressing. I need some guidance-"

Finn, Carole, and Finns dad walked in, Finns eyes searching for Rachel. He found her sobbing in front of her dads' caskets, and sighed.

"So where is this girlfriend of yours?" His dad asked.

"Uh, she's up there." He pointed towards her.

Rachel suddenly stood up, wiping her eyes. She started to talk to someone else she didn't know, and Finn dad nudged Finn. "Hey, go get her."

"Dad, she's talking. I can't just pull her away." But then he realized that she was looking at him.

She ran away from the person she was speaking with and jumped into Finns arms. "This is nothing short of torture." She whispered in his ear.

Finns parents decided they would give them some space so they sat down.

"I'm sorry this all had to happen so fast." He cooed, swaying slightly back and forth. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now, where is your parents?" Rachel asked, faking a smile.

"They're sitting." Finn shrugged.

"Well, go get them!" Rachel giggled.

Finn got his parents and Rachel smiled at them. "Rach, this is my dad, and you know my mom."

"Ah, Rachel Berry, in the two days I've been home I've heard so much about you." They hugged, and Rachel could already tell she was going to fit in well with Finns family. "Finn, she's even prettier in person."

Rachel blushed, "thank you. I'm really sorry, I have to go but I'll talk to you later." Rachel sighed, and Finn could tell she didn't want to.

As Rachel was about to approach someone, Finn pulled her outside of the funeral home.

"You're very stressed." Finn concluded, laying her head on his chest.

"I am. I really just want this to be over, but I don't want to leave them." Rachel cried, burying her head in his chest. "I think I really just need to get home after this and relax. I need to catch up on Project Runway All Stars and sleep. Then worry about school in two days." She nodded, agreeing with herself.

"And I'll be here for you." Finn sighed, "we can stay out here until you're good, and then I have a surprise for you."

"Finn, please, I'm really not in the mood for anything like that." Rachel groaned.

"No, you'll love it, I'm sure." Rachel shrugged, standing up.

They went back inside, and Rachel chatted with some other people. Soon, Finn swooped Rachel away and sat her down in the front row. "Finn what are you doing?" She asked.

"Shh, come on guys!" He yelled, and the glee club walked in.

Mercedes began to speak to the immense amount of people in the room, as Jesse sat next to Rachel.

The glee club began singing, and Rachel squeezed Finns hand. They sang an amazing rendition of Amazing Grace.

When they finished, Rachel ran up and hugged the shit out of everyone.

After another couple hours of the funeral, the glee club helped Rachel and Jesse clean up and then bring everything to Rachel's house.

After everyone left, Finn stayed behind. "Finn, can you please stay? I don't want to be alone?" Finn nodded, and let Rachel change before they climbed in bed together.

"I love you Finn." Rachel sighed quietly, "never leave me. Promise me you'll always be by my side."

"I promise."

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now