Shout It Out Loud

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Chapter 23

The next morning, Rachel woke up to yelling downstairs.

She pushed her hair out of her face and sat up, soon pushing herself up and walking downstairs.

Her roommates, so the entire glee club, were downstairs. "Oh, hello sleeping beauty!" Kurt yelled, handing her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks for waking me up, guys." She spat, going back upstairs to get ready.

She showered and got dressed in her normal clothes and waited an hour before leaving. She knew Vocal Adrenaline was rehearsing all day, and knew that they were having a half hour break in five minutes.

When she got there, she stayed behind. Rachel watched them for a little bit, mostly Jesse.

Once they were done, Rachel let Jesse calm down for a few minutes before she walked out of the shadows.

Everyone turned to look at her as she walked in. "Rachel!" Jesse shrieked, running up and hugging her. "What are you doing here?"

"I came back. I left Broadway and I'm here to stay!" Rachel smiled, hugging him back.

"Why did you leave? Was it Finn?" He teased, smiling at his little sister.

"Sorta. Uh, can we go take a walk?" Rachel asked, not wanting to tell him in front of everyone.

"Ya, let's go." Jesse brought Rachel to the front of his school and they sat on the floor. "So what's up? Why'd you leave?"

"Like you said, it was somewhat Finn-"

"Oh dear god, are you pregnant?" Jesse asked, looking worried.

"Actually, ya. I am pregnant." Rachel awaited his screaming.

"How could you be so stupid, Rachel?! You just ruined your career, and you're only 18. You don't know how to raise a child!" Jesse shouted, standing up.

"Jesse, I will be able to do this if you support me and help. I'm gonna have Finn and the glee club, but I'm sure that won't be enough. I need you to help me through this!" Rachel shouted back.

"I can't believe you did this, Rachel. Does Finn even know?"

"No. He has the flu really bad and I wasn't going to tell him until he was back to himself." She whispered.

"And what do you think Finn is going to say about you getting pregnant? Do you think he's going to want a baby when you two are just married and in twelfth grade?"

"I don't care what he says about it! I'm keeping this baby no matter what anyone says." Rachel cried, "ya know, I really though you'd be happy to be an uncle. And you'd support me. But clearly I was wrong. Don't talk to me Jesse." Rachel snapped as she ran away and into her car.

She sped away, at to McKinley and into glee club. "Oh honey, what's wrong?" Kurt said the second she stepped in, sitting her between him and Mercedes. The entire glee club listened in to what she has to say.

"I told Jesse about the baby, and he's pissed about it." Rachel sobbed, burying her head in his chest. "I don't know what to do." She choked out.

"Alright, Rach, let me bring you home." Kurt and Mercedes drove Rachel home and got her in bed. "Do you want me to call Finn?"

"No, he's sick. And he doesn't know, it would mess everything up. Let me just be alone." Rachel said, and buried herself under the blankets.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now