Chapter 23

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   I sat on the right side of Riley in the waiting room of the hospital waiting diligently on news of her mother. Riley had been full of stress and anxiety the whole ambulance ride here and now she had been quiet since her mother disappeared through the double doors with the doctors and paramedics. En route to the hospital Riley's mother heart had stopped and that brought Riley over the edge of nearly breaking.

   Riley curled into herself, shielding her face as I did my best comforting her. I ran my hand over her back, as I used my other hand brushing it through her hair. "Sweetie, we don't know anything yet. The last thing your mother wants is for you to lose faith in her strength in staying with all of you."

Erika and Thomas sat a few seats down from us, keeping there own space as if in quarantine from one another.

"Your brother and sister need you."

Riley lifted her head up turning to her siblings. I caught a look of desperation in her eyes for my help and I ran my hand over her cheek and then turned to her siblings smiling as they caught me staring.

"You two...come sit with us." Riley had authority in her tone but also affection. They came obediently as Erika sat on my end and Thomas on Riley's end. "Mom..." Riley paused almost chocking up. "Mom...loves us and what ever is wrong...the doctors will find out and help. She's not done being our mom. She's too stubborn to leave us." Riley smiled lightly as she snaked her arm over Thomas and me. I did the same to Erika as she smiled back accepting my warmth.

A few hours went by slowly when my father stepped into the waiting room. I looked up astonished he was here. "How did you--"

"I called him."

I turned to Riley baffled by the idea of her calling my father at all. "Why?" It wasn't that I didn't want him here, I was only bewildered why Riley even invited him to come. Last I checked, my father wasn't Riley's favorite person.

"What's wrong? Do you not want me here?" My father's eyes were fixed on me.

"I asked him to come...because, despite the fact that I don't care to see him present here, my mother considers him a friend. My mother doesn't have many. I will acknowledge the few friends my mother does have."

A smile warmed my face as I saw something I never had before. I knew it was in her but I had yet until now to witness it. Despite the pain, humiliation, and ignorance anyone put Riley through, her families needs came first. I knew I fit into that along with our friends. She never had too much pride or anger to cloud the needs of others.

I felt my father's eyes linger on me as I was sure he watched the way I gazed at Riley. "Your mother is a great woman and I do consider her a friend."

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't." I gazed at Riley with pride. "What?"

"Nothing. You just keep bringing more reasons on why I--"

A doctor who looked no more than forty years old came into the waiting room and that aided my end to what I was about to say. My skin flushed a moment acknowledging the words that almost came out of my mouth.

Everyone stood and I did the same as the doctor approached. My father gazed at me with an expression I couldn't interpret. He must have heard me almost tell Riley I loved her. He probably was hiding the disgust he usually had, about Riley and my relationship.

"Are you all the family of Ms. Matthews?"

"Yes...I'm her daughter." Riley answered first ending with a question. "How is she?"

The doctor smiled lightly. "She's fine." The woman gave Riley and the rest of us a moment to digest in what she said and then continued. "She had what is called an myocardial infarction. In other words, z heart attack."

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