Chapter 8

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It had taken Jamie a little over a month to finally stop crying every time she relived that night. Those memories were a stain that embedded itself into her.  Eventually Jamie told Tina what happened and I had to calm Tina down before she ran out attacking Derek and Jasper.

I had tried to persuade, in the beginning, for Jamie to press charges but she begged me not to report anything. I couldn't force her so the least I could do was convince her to see a counselor. Now, for the last three weeks I saw a bit of light in Jamie's eyes.

It was hard facing the terror that happened to her and the end result Jasper and Derek tried to commit. Finally saying the words, 'I was nearly raped' hung in the air, feeling like a banner over her head. I could see she was scared to show her face, as if the whole school found out. Jamie would rant of how she shouldn't feel the way she was because she wasn't raped as if being slapped around by men with the intentions of rape shouldn't traumatize someone. It could. It did many. Words could feel like a sexual violation too.

Jasper or Derek wouldn't risk it going around saying anything. I only hoped they weren't that stupid. If they ever did speak of that night in any form they would deal with me. Of course, I was through with Derek. The friendship we had, demolished. I had seen him around school and all I saw in myself was vile and rage towards him. He kept his distance from even me.

"How was class?" I asked Jamie as she stepped out of the classroom.

She barely gazed up, in her own world, shrugging. "Okay...I guess."

I wanted so badly to do more but if anything all she needed was love and support. Jamie didn't need anyone rushing her.

"You don't have to wait outside my class every second." Jamie kept her head down, eyes focused on the ground. She wore a dark brown suit that covered ninety percent of her body. There were wrinkles that gave away her clothes not being ironed.

"I know," I told her. "I want to."

"And do your friends want to as well?" She questioned me.

"Yes," I said positive of that. I stopped and she halted turning back to me. I then walked up closing some distance between us, gazing around for any nosey listeners. "You mean a lot to know that?" I spoke soft and quietly. "Let me be there for you."

Jamie stayed quiet nodding her head.

"I will back off if you really want me to." I didn't like the idea of not being there when she needed me but I would respect her wishes. She was an independent woman rather she believed that or not. I didn't want to cripple her like her mother seemed to do.

A few students passed by looking at us with curious stares. I waited till they passed before we spoke again.

"I don't want your friends waiting for me outside my classroom anymore." Her eyes looked up to me a moment then away. I would respect that. "But...I wouldn't mind you still coming when you can."

I nodded and we carried on walking to our dorm. The thought of her wanting me to come to her warmed all of my insides. I wanted her to see me as more than a friend but for now I would accept whatever she was ready for.

We never made it inside our room with peace and quiet. Jamie's parents were in front of the door waiting. Her mother was smothering and possessive over Jamie's life. The father on the other hand just stood back and intervene when it got too complicated.

Jamie looked agitated by their presence and instinct to protect her kicked in. "Mr. and Mrs. Wells," I greeted offering my hand.

Mrs. Wells looked at me surprised by my gesture. I stood in front of them with Jamie behind me. Jamie's mothers eye arched higher than any I'd ever seen. She noticed me shielding Jamie from them. Instead of commenting on that, she smiled tightly developing sharp creases in her face. "Ms. Matthews." She swerved her eyes a little on Jamie and back to me. "Thanksgiving is around the corner. Will you be spending it with your family?"

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