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Two years later


   It amazed me of how far we came from all the emotional turmoil that presented itself. Listening to Jamie's soft snores in our condo I leaned over her, running my fingers through her black hair. She let it grow out further, a few inches from her elbow.
   Jamie stirred, bundled underneath the blankets as I kissed her cheek. Her eyes opened, glint already present as she sleepily said good morning.
   "It's a very good morning." My voice hummed out softly waiting for her to open her eyes again.
   Shifting over, Jamie made room for me to climb into bed. "Lay with me."
   "Baby...we have a long day," I told her. With a pout that always seemed to win me over I shook my head climbing into bed. "Alright. Only for a little bit."
   Jamie had nothing on and she took it upon herself to begin unzipping my jeans.
   I laughed as her lips brushed over my jaw. "Just for a little bit...like you said."
   Snorting, I rolled my eyes, "babe...with you...it's never for a little bit."
   Jamie overpowered me, rolling me onto my back as she straddled me. "Then we be late." Her lips fell to mines absorbing all of my warmth, inside and out. "Blame it on me."
   Damn it. I couldn't stop this even if I wanted to. "O...I will." I moaned out, closing my eyes as I soaked in every touch.
   Jamie's lips moved to my jaw and down my neck, nipping on my skin as my body flushed, my center warming with wetness.
   "Clothes..." Jamie's hands moved eagerly to the hem of my shirt, leaning off of me to help me pull it up. "I need them off."
   I giggled, "I see."
   Once Jamie helped remove all of my clothing, our bodies aligned, skin to skin as Jamie stayed on top brushing butterfly kisses down my jaw to my collarbone. Her hands cupped one of my breast, my entire body igniting as her mouth closed in around my nipple.
   Groaning, I squeezed my eyes shut, my body shuddering from the tongue that continuous flicked over my taut nipple. "Jamie," I groaned.
   In the last two years the intimacy and our love making had only enhanced with a new open mind to something each chapter in our relationship. I loved the essential powerful feelings that came out of our love making. It was our own; private and beautiful. No disruption of drama or judgement, though it was still present.
   It took us almost two hours to equally feel sated as I laid in Jamie's arms, her body fitting my structure perfectly, without any flaws.
   "I love this."
   My head rested between her breast, both arms curled underneath her shoulders. I laid quiet a moment, my front pressed into her front, listening to her heart beat. I understood what Jamie was loving at this moment. The tranquil peace of quietness and content. "We'll always have these moments...I promise."
   Kissing the top of my head Jamie giggled..."O, I'm holding you to that."
   I twisted my head to the nightstand beside our bed. Past noon. I snorted, "we're late."
   "If you still want to blame me...I'm accepting of that."
   I shook my head, locking my eyes to hers. "I don't have to say anything once we get there. They already know how you are."
   Jamie squeezed my nose playfully with her thumb and index. "Move off."
   "Used up my body and now you want me to go." Jamie squinted her eyes at me, her nose wrinkling and I laughed, unstraddling her. "Alright...don't attack." I hopped out of bed heading to the bathroom as I called out turning on the shower. "Join me?"
   And by the silence of no verbal response, I knew in a matter of one...two...three...Jamie came into the bathroom, beating me into the shower.



   "Hey Susan..." Riley and I walked into her mother's house with a bottle of wine in my hand. Over the last two years my relationship with Riley's family could make a stranger believe I'd grown up in Susan's household. I was super close to all of them and a loved that bonded us for life.
   "Happy Thanksgiving honey."
   "Happy Thanksgiving...sorry we're late. I'll be right in the kitchen as soon as I say my hello's with Thomas and Erika."
   "Oh...no rush," Susan said, patting my cheek with a motherly touch. "Those two ran off with Pete and Ricky."
   Riley snorted, "they should have waited for me," she muttered under breath, not low enough to pass my ears.
   "For that...you can start with chopping the onions and we'll work our way to the potatoes."
   Riley gave me her best pouting face, "baby."
   As cute and adorable as that was, I held firm not falling for that. "Don't baby me."
   Susan laughed kissing her daughter's cheek and then slapped her on the behind in a chastising manner. "Get going...you heard Jamie."
   Riley lowered her head in defeat, walking towards the kitchen. She turned expecting us to follow. "What about you two?"
   "I have to catch your mom up on the latest gossip."
   Susan smiled waving Riley off and this time she headed in not expecting any special treatment.
   Susan waved for me to take a seat on the couch, immediately eager to catch up on what was going on. "So...how has law school been? First year and all. I'm sure your father's proud."
   Before I met Riley my life had been circled around my parents. No...correct terminology; my life was engolfe, like being placed in a box as the box only got smaller on you. I did, wore, spoke how my parents, or more so my mother wanted me to. The goal in going to law school was their dream not mines. If I let my parents still control me Riley and I would not be together now and I would still be hurting, living a foolish and deceiving life. I wanted to work with kids.
   During the time when Riley was facing charges against Jasper I watched my father in that short time do what he loved for years. That taught me something about myself. I could be a child advocate in another way. As their lawyer. Not only holding their hand doing my best to get them somewhere safe, but actually able to verbally fight for them in more ways than one.
   I was happy with my new decision and Riley supported me right away. I smiled. "I love it. It's work. I guess my parents were right about one piece of my future. I can't wait until I'm officially declared a lawyer."
   "Well...I'm sure your career will not only be the main focus of a happy future."
   I blushed. Riley popped into my mind. "No...it won't be."

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