Chapter 10

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"Where are we going?" Jamie asked for the fifth time.

I shook my head laughing. "Impatient much?"

Jamie blushed facing her side window. "I can't help it."

I reached over clasping my hand over hers, squeezing gently. This was our first date and something to feel so much emotion about. I never cared to take a woman out as much as I wanted to take Jamie out. "You brought your camera."

She nodded and I smiled. "You look beautiful in that dress." Jamie blushed again and I moved my hands over the stirring wheel taking in a deep breath. She also smelled good as well but I kept that to myself. I needed to control myself tonight. The idea of touching her hit me hard but I wanted to make sure she was ready before I went any further than a few kisses.

Once we arrived I parked my car. I rushed over to Jamie's side opening the door before she could. Jamie cheeks flushed.

"Thank you," Jamie said shyly.

I helped her out of the car. "Only being a gentlewoman," I said charmingly.

Jamie giggled like a high school girl all while rolling her eyes. "That's a new one I've never heard." She pursed her lips before rolling her eyes at me again.

"Because I created it," I teased. Not really. I'd heard a few others say and thought it was witty to say to a woman.

I closed the door behind her as she looked around. There was an few acres of grass covering land with a variety of trees suffusing the ambiance.

Jamie turned me smiling.

"My friend owns the place. It's closed but not for us."

A young man came up through the black gates that separated this place from the outside world, opening his arms up. "Riley..."

I ran up to him not falling into his arms but moving in a tackle like position.

We wrestled a bit as Jamie watched. After a minute, I straightened myself up turning to Jamie. "Pete, this is Jamie."

Pete brushed his clothes off and I rolled my eyes. "You know I'm too fabulous to be playing rough with girls," he chided. Pete black slick hair curved over his eyes as he took Jamie in. His lips pursed taking in Jamie's vivid beauty. "My God. How did you score this fine cuisine?" Pete said looking to me.

I rolled my eyes as Jamie blushed and I laughed. "Shut up Pete. You're not funny."

Pete smirked offering his hand to Jamie. "It was not meant to be funny," Pete said with a hint of humor in his eyes. "Nice to meet you darling. Has Riley here...been treating you well?"

"Pete..." Riley grumbled.

"Riley has been the perfect...gentlewoman," Jamie said surely.

That now made me blush.

"Hmm...she better be," Pete teased.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he ignored it.

"Everything's already set up," Pete said. He dropped the keys in my hands and kissed my forehead and then hugged Jamie before leaving.

I held my hand out to Jamie. "Ready to go?"

Jamie nodded, pulling her camera out bag and draping it around her neck.

We walked through the black gate, and within a few dozen steps an pond came into view along with a varies colors that brought Jamie's eyes into a widen expression.

"This was his grandfathers Japanese garden...passed down to him." I waited for her to respond but she pulled her camera up, capturing a picture.

I smiled. "O God this is beautiful Riley," Jamie said leaning into me brushing a kiss over my cheek. She surprised me and herself, going quiet before taking a breath and relaxing again.

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