Chapter 4

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I really hadn't known Derek was so insensitive to hurt any woman like he done Jamie. It really made my blood boil like hot coal and I wanted nothing more than to kick him where it hurts and I was saying that in the nicest way. Jamie made me promise to do nothing already knowing my urgency in hurting him.

   We told Tina what happened and she was on the same level of anger as me. She had no problem bashing Derek, despite the fact that I was his friend. I wasn't going to defend his actions and I wasn't sure what we would be in the near future.

   "You need to dump him," Tina said for the fifteenth time.

   Jamie looked over to me as if wanting my opinion. "Like I said before, he doesn't deserve you."

   Jamie blew out harshly, putting her hands over her face and I wished I could take her pain away. She hid from us a moment before looking back up. "He's my first boyfriend."

   I was taken aback from that. How could she not have men or women lining up to be with her? I knew why. She seemed to resist true affection and she came across different. In this society you either fit in or you didn't. I saw her though. I saw her enough to know my heart sped up when she was near me.

   Tina shrugged her shoulders smacking her lips. "And he won't be the last. Look girl, did you ever really like him?"

   I watched Jamie frown. "He's cute, and smart-"

   "," Tina waved off. "Do you like him? Did you? Hell, at this point, do you even love him?"

   "Well I'm suppose to love everyone. It's-"

   "Drop that line...pleeease girl," Tina rolled her eyes, turning to me. "Talk some sense into this girl."

   I smiled and Jamie watched me l, waiting diligently for me to speak. "What do you think about when you see Derek?"

   Jamie let her eyes wonder off. Was it that hard for her to come up with something? She acted as if I she barely met Derek. After two years of dating, she should have a whole lot to say.

   "Does he ever excite you...sexually?" I asked respectfully as her eyes widen. All I wanted to hear was no.

   Tina just laughed shaking her head. Jamie was significantly prude and I seemed pleased with that when it regarded Derek.

   Jamie's expression read disgust. "I am not married to him to be thinking that kind of way," she said a little embarrassed by the topic. She frowned, curling her hair into get finger, shyly.

   "Rather your married or not, feelings come...deep inside that way. Rather we want them or not," I told her.

   Jamie had taken in what I said, immediately nodding her understanding. "I...jeez..." she struggled to answer until making her final conclusion. "No." She shook her head, shrugging. "I feel uncomfortable when he touches me. When any man touches me."

   I looked at her curiously and thought of how I touched her. She caught me staring and our eyes held each other and she smiled affectionately like my eyes were the entrance to all of me. Was she thinking about how my hands brushed against her jaw? I remembered leaning in, but I wasn't sure if I was in control or some nerve in my body took over like its own control station.

   "Maybe," Tina distracted us. "I'm not saying you-"

   Somehow I knew where she was going with this. "You have to find that right person."

   Tina turned to me sharply and I shook my head slightly. Telling someone like Jamie, that it was a chance she could be gay was not a good idea. For one, she's religious, and two, self conscious. There was so many other reasons why not but those were the start. She had to find out who she was on her own timing.

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