Chapter 36

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   I grazed my fingernails along Riley's hips, brushing butterfly kisses over her abdomen. Riley groaned as I nipped my teeth right below her breast. This intimacy was steamed in passion, fogging up all the problems we had before this moment. Riley was the one who had always led, but now I was taking over giving her the love she needed. I needed to remind her that we did not go through all we had to quit on each other. I deserved happiness with Riley and she deserved that with me.

   "Jamie I..." Riley shuddered out my name and I pulled my head up.

   I kissed her belly, brushing my knuckles over her naval. "Let me take care of you," I said softly.

   I reached forward lacing our fingers together. Her fingers were soft and delicate beneath mines, not strong enough to squeeze back. I lifted up to her letting my naked body stretch across hers as I used my free hand to unhook her bra. Pinning Riley's hand over her head I grazed my lips down the curve of her neck, nipping and kissing away at her flushed skin. Riley panted out and I took that as her enjoying it, continuing just so I could hear her moan like that again.

   Tossing her bra to the side, I let my hand freely roam down her flank to her outer thigh until the peak of my fingers grazed inches from her center. My need was intensifying for Riley as I brought my lips back to hers, sucking in her bottom lip. I groaned when Riley slipped her tongue inside my mouth, her heavy pants picking up with each touch I fed her.

   "I love you," I whispered softly in her ear. Slowly, with so much control not to just pludge my fingers inside her and hear her echo out my name or that she loved me too; because that's all I wanted to hear, I grazed my finger right over her swollen center. Riley cried out enough for me to hitch my own breathing, anticipating the moment I felt her core squeeze tightly around my fingers. My mind was erect with the need to give her all of me. I had never felt so at easy in thinking how badly I even wanted to taste her. The prude thoughts I had dissipated like an old memory that never belonged to me.

   I still had one of her hands pinned to the bed over her head and my lips fell back down to the hollow of her neck, furthering lower to her exposed breast. I moved my hand back up from her wetness, cupping her breast around the palm of my hand, as I let my mouth cover her taut nipple. Riley arched her back just enough to press my mouth harder into her breast and I almost cried out, highly aroused by what was happening between us. I felt slickness between my thighs and I tried to ignore it only wanting to please Riley. I kissed between her breast, sliding my tongue to her other breast as I began assaulting it with my mouth and tongue.

   The sounds Riley was making told me she was ready and I lifted back up facing her again. Our eyes met, and for a long moment we only stared at each other. I tear slipped from Riley's eye and I wiped it away keeping my fingers, hoovering over her cheek. A few seconds passed as my eyes drifted to her lips. Riley breathed in and out through her mouth and I could tell she was reacting to me. She could feel how much I craved her. I never new a feeling like that existed. Feeling someone beside me; so ready to make love. It was like our hormones or whatever it was had been communicating and I couldn't wait any longer.

   My lips brushed over the small corner of her lips first. Riley closed her eyes as I pulled up enough to watch her reaction to my small kiss. Riley was nipping on her bottom lip as she tried to control her breathing. I kissed her again, this time over her lips. It was soft, her lips tickling mines as I never moved away. Riley gradually opened her mouth and I moved in perfect sync with hers as we kissed again. I inhaled her scent as I kissed her, lifting my body slightly up, straddling myself onto hers. One of her thighs rested between my legs as I had one of mines between hers.

   This felt so much more than the other times that we made love. I slid my tongue through the barrier of her mouth, letting our tongues meet in the middle. My hand began to drift down her length as I let my fingernails graze her inner thigh.

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