Chapter 6

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   Friday. Another week had flew by and still Riley ignored every word I said. She would walk pass me as if I was a stranger on the streets she had to sit beside at a bus stop.

I walked out from class to find an empty dorm with nothing but a faint smell of Riley's perfume. I groaned falling onto my bed.

When I had my frustrating dinner with my parents Monday, they made it blatantly clear how they felt about me skipping church. I hadn't planned on it. I'd left that Sunday dressed and ready, but on the way for the first time in my life, I didn't wanted to go. I began to wonder if I ever wanted to go. I was always forced and as an adult I still went through the fear of my parents retaliation for it.

I left for the library feeling claustrophobic. I needed a life. A real life, with real friends. The most creative thing I'd ever took the time to do was photography. One of my favorite hobbies. Riley seemed to bring things out of me, I never new existed.

I knew, just like I done the last time, walking away from Riley was the farthest thing I wanted to do but the easiest. And it hurt her, a second time.

I spent three hours in the library, mostly rereading the same page over again. I could probably recite every word.

The campus looked empty and I concluded there were dozens of parties off campus at the sorority and frat houses. I walked out the library toward the dormitories as someone interrupted my self pity.

"Hey," a feminine voice called out again. I hadn't known she was talking to me. The woman looked a few years older than me, around like twenty-four. "You're Jamie Wells, right?" She asked curiously.

I nodded, a bit surprised she knew who I was and flattered. "Yes...I'm Jamie."

I must have been grinning extra hard, because the woman gave me a 'are you okay' stare.

"You're Riley's roommate," she asked.

'Don't I feel really special?' This was about Riley. "May I ask...who's asking?"

The woman giggled softly, her cheeks flaring red. "I'm sorry. I'm Paula."

I wanted to be nosey but that would make me seem desperate for answers. I didn't know any other way for trying to learn who this woman was to Riley. I was jealous. I breathed through my nose not enjoying the feeling. How could people say there was 'good jealousy' when it felt like a new form of pain?

"Yeah... I'm Riley's roommate," I finally said.

"Good," she smiled. Did she have to smile all the time. Her teeth were a perfect white as if she bought a new set, and a gorgeous smile. Any man that walked pass; and woman, were probably falling over themselves for her. Did Riley see her beauty? I prayed not. "Can you give her my number?" She handed me a piece of paper. "I would really like to have her as my tutor."

I took the paper out of her hand wanting to ball it up and toss it to the closest disposable trashbins. 'Jamie. You're better than this. Don't act bratty. "I'll make sure she gets it." I turned my heels fast, but not fast enough. I made it two steps.

"Um...can I ask you a question? About Riley?"

I knew she wasn't finished. I grimaced, clearing my face before I turned back around. "Sure."

Paula smiled again, not noticing my discomfort. "Is Riley single? Or oh...I mean. She gay?"

I needed to find oxygen. My eyes burned as if they were blazing fire and Paula frowned.

"Oh...umm. Never mind. I...umm. Can you at least give her that?"

I hadn't said anything but my expression had.

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