Chapter 31

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    I put a pillow under Jamie's ankle, letting her sit comfortably on the couch.

   "Get off the couch Thomas," I ordered as he continued tossing the baseball up into his glove.

   "Sweetie," Jamie patted my shoulder, "It's just an ankle sprain."

   I shook my head, ignoring the fact that she was depreciating how she twisted her ankle in the first place. I furrowed my brows holding in the urge to say exactly how I felt about yesterday.

   Jamie's eyes scanned me cautiously and I knew she noted my hesitation.

   I had been holding my breath, lungs, and temper since yesterday and I felt as if I would combust at any moment.

   "Thomas..." Jamie called to him in a sweeter tone that I couldn't form.

   Thomas stood up, pouting. "I want me to leave so you can yell at my sister." I frowned. "Y'all still gonna come?"

   "Of course," Jamie said.

   I nodded too.

   I watched Thomas leave and I continued standing, grabbing Jamie's empty cup. "I'll go refill--"

   "No you won't." Jamie smiled lightly giving me a furtive look. "Sit with me."

   Hesitating, Jamie rolled her eyes patting the couch.

   Giving in, I took a seat, putting the cup back on the living room table.

   Jamie reached over, linking our fingers over my lap. "It's alright to express yourself."

   "My only focus is to take care of you," I argued.

   "And my focus is to take care of you too." I slanted my head making eye contact. There was nothing I needed taking care of. "I know how much you love me...and how much it hurts you to see me like this." I was going to say a few things but Jamie had me speechless, knowing what she said was true. I hated seeing her like this. I wanted to punch her mother so bad, but I wouldn't say that. And of course I couldn't really do that. It was my anger talking. "Please tell me how you're feeling."

   I had to think of the right words to say, not letting my anger but my heart talk for me. Right now, it felt like the same thing. I let a few heartbeats pass and sighed. "You deserve so much better. You have such a kind heart. You live so positive and always find a way to see the best in others. You should have a mother who goes around telling the whole world how special she is to have you as a daughter."

   Jamie shrugged. "I have a fantastic girlfriend who can cheer me on," Jamie said, bumping her shoulders along mines.

   I twisted, facing her as I shook my head. "You see. You have every right to want to yell, cry, delete your mother from your life...but you won't. will tell her how you feel, or to stay away until she comes back with a new attitude...but you won't hold a grudge...or judge her own life like I already have." I sighed. "You're better than me."

   "Riley..." Jamie ran her hand up my arm, unlocking our fingers. "Haven't you keep me safe; loved, and happy. With you...I've learned so much about myself and for that...I will always stay that way. The day I lose it; it will have nothing to do with what happens to me."

   I caught onto the unspoken words she left out. If I was hurt in anyway, would be the day she lost her control, was what she meant to say. "I'm long as you're fine."

   Jamie leaned in, brushing a kiss over on the corner of my lips. "My strong lass," Jamie teased.

   I smirked as my brother ran back into the living room, jumping onto my lap. He looped his arms around my neck giving me a curvy grin. "Can we go?" He asked, both brows raised helping with his plea.

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