Chapter 26

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  I woke up tangled in sheets, sliding my hands blindly across the bed finding empty space. I almost forgot where I was but the fill of my bare flesh rubbing against sheets, reminded me I was naked, reminding me that last night was not a dream.

   I inhaled softly, smelling the aroma of a cooked meal and smiled. I had never thought this condo would come to such good use but it surely had. I thought a moment, a little bombarded to the idea of food being cooked. Riley didn't like being in a kitchen no longer than a minute. I'm sure, not even to bring groceries into one.

   Scooting up in bed, I pulled the sheet up covering me, as I heard footsteps coming my way. Riley stood in the doorway, dressed in the blouse she wore the night before and my eyes drifted to her bare smooth legs. She was wearing some running shorts, that I could tell snugged her well. My shorts actually.

   I could see through her blouse, I saw nothing underneath but her breast. I couldn't help myself. Riley was so tempting and tasteful. She did this to me and now, every time I touched her, I would think of last night. I was thinking of last night right now. I bit my lip as she smirked at me.

   "You like what you see?" Riley asked winking at me with her charismatic grin.

   I watched as she saunter to the bed, crawling over, meeting me in the middle. Our lips found each other and I moaned as Riley opened her mouth wider to me, cupping one of her hands to the side of my face.

   It wasn't hard at all to get me roused up. The mental reminisce of last night played in my mind as I let her press my body back into the foam of the bed. My breathing grew rapid as she slid her hand down my thigh, aligning her body with mines. Riley's lips moved to my jaw and I groaned when I felt her tongue brush below my ear. She was attacking every sweet spot she found last night also finding new ones.

   Riley tugged the covers that separated our skin from each other like it was a barrier uninvited. I grinned at her eagerness and the aggressive bliss that was overcoming both of us. "Close your eyes..."

   I looked at Riley caught off guard by her demanding tone but did so without argument. Riley shifted off of me a moment, pulling the rest of the sheets down to my ankles. Her hands grabbed onto both my wrist, heaving them over my head. I was highly curious to what she was trying to do and also fascinated.

   "Don't move," she whispered in my ear as nipped onto my earlope. I groaned nodding as I kept my eyes closed.

   I received my answer to what she was planning when I felt her mouth brush mouthwatering slow over my stiff nipple. I groaned, pulling my arms up naturally, and Riley stopped the teasingly slow pleasure she was giving me, to only put my arms back. "Don't..."

   Her tone was sharp and I pulled her head up, gazing into her eyes. She had a desire boiling inside her that I wanted to treat, but I needed to know what was going through her head. Riley smiled weakly and I lifted my head slightly, brushing my lips over hers.

   Riley pulled away to say something but then had this eye widening moment, popping off of me out of the room. "The biscuits," she yelled.

   Wow. I grinned, sighing as I plopped my head back onto the bed. did we have groceries? Riley probably went to the grocery store while I was sleep. I needed to get up. I laid quiet a moment, letting myself feel this moment. I had never been comfortable just lay in bed naked and enjoy it as if it was some sort of meditation or internal healing therapy to try. I looked down at myself and blushed as if the outside world could see me admiring myself. I wasn't trying to idolize myself; only admire. I knew Riley admired my body. The entire night, one of the many things Riley repeatedly said was how much she loved my body. I guess I had a great figure.

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