Chapter 34

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   Rachelle walked me back to my dorm and I opened the front door, praying Tina was done doing whatever. It shouldn't have taken her this long.

   "Tina," I called out wryly, hearing only laughter.

   "Girl come in...boyfriend is gone."

   I sighed a relief walking in. Tossing my bag on my bed, I welcomed Rachelle inside. "Damn...your dorm is big as hell."

   I only shrugged.

   "Has Riley come back?" I asked.

  Tina shook her head. "Thought she was with you."

   I rolled my eyes, pulling out my phone. "We aren't attached to each other."

   "You could have surprised me," Rachelle added.

   The phone began to ring and I looked inside our small refrigerator pulling out two bottles of water. Riley's phone went straight to voicemail and I redialed.

   "Dang...give her a moment to call you back," Tina said, laughing at me.

   Rachelle took a seat on Riley's bed, and I frowned. "What? You guys don't have chairs."

   Voicemail picked back up and I sighed. "She probably is in the locker room taking a shower."

   "You should have joined her," Rachelle teased.

   Blush passed through my face. I didn't know she heard Riley's whispered words back at the track field. I took a sip of my water, sitting on my bed. "She'll call once she's done."

   "That's what I said," Tina pointed out.

   Thirty minutes went by with conversation in Rachelle and Tina wanting to know more about Brother and Sisters Barring Arms and now my worry began. I checked my phone realizing there was no missed calls or text. I frowned wondering what was taking her so long to call me back.

   "Still nothing," Tina asked.

   I shook my head. "I'm going to head to the locker room."

   "Wait...maybe we should call Ricky," Tina said.

   "Why?" My eyes tore to hers, afraid of the fears that she was having, because I was having the same kind. Riley would have at least texted me by now.

   Tina didn't answer, only picking up her phone calling Ricky. He answered and she told him to meet us by the woman's locker room by the track.

   We all rushed toward the locker room, me leading the way. I found Ricky standing near the door waiting. "What's going on?"

   I rushed passed him through the door.

   "Riley hasn't been answering her phone," Rachelle spoke for me.

   I walked around the hall, seeing lockers lined up in rolls, moving around them and I called out. "Riley..."

   I could here the shower water running and relaxed a little. Maybe she was too comfortable leaving the shower, hoping I would come to my senses and join her. I absently laughed, thinking she was alright, until I noticed a visible sight of her hand resting on the floor, around the corner of the inner shower wall. My breath caught as I ran around to her. "Riley..." I cried out.

   Ricky, Tina, and Rachelle ran along with me, as I skirted around the last barrier of wall, finding Riley laying beaten on the ground. She was naked, never having a chance to get dressed before someone came in here hurting her.

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