Chapter 25

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"Come in silly." I pulled Riley into the condo as her eyes widen examining the place.

I let her roam a moment while I ran into the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of Moscato Sangria and two wine glasses. "So...who's place is this?"

"Mines..." Riley stared disbelieving as I laughed. "My father bought it when I was younger but stopped using it a several years ago. He gave it to me when I turned twenty-one. I've only used it on rare occasions."

"And this is an rare occasion," she said absently. Riley nodded than gave me a quizzical glance. "What's that for?"

She pointed to the bottle of wine. I laughed again. "To drink."

She nodded as if realizing what wine was. She was nervous and so was I. There was a purpose to bringing her here tonight. I poured Riley a glass first as she walked over to the counter sitting on one of the stools looking into the kitchen where I stood. After pouring mines, I placed the bottle back into the refrigerator walking around to sit on the stool next to her.

We drank in silence for a few heartbeats as I pondered at what to say next. I was afraid to initiate anything. Riley cleared her throat pulling my eyes to hers. "I want to tell you about my past," I was about to speak but she continued before I could. "But I don't want to ruin this moment."

"You could never ruin this night," I told her.

Riley grinned. "You're so adorable when you have an optimistic spirit about me." Something told me she would continue and after a few seconds she did. "I just want to enjoy this night and leave the bad memories for tomorrow."

"Whatever you want," I nodded. "I just wanted to be alone for once...where there is nothing or no one to ruin our night. Whatever our night takes us. It doesn't matter." I was rambling like an uncontrolled machine that wouldn't turn off. I was nervous. I should be granted a pass for being nervous. "If we just...sit, then...we'll sit and do nothing. I'm not expecting--"



I was talking too much. Riley placed the glass on the counter. "I don't want to just...sit...or talk. And definitely nothing."

I swallowed what felt like my tongue as my breathing quickened. She hadn't said anything intimate but her words left room for another meaning. "O. And...what do you want to do?" I asked perky not in my normal voice.

Riley stood. "You didn't bring me here to cuddle and watch movies."

God, my body was reacting in so many ways. I licked my dry lips imagining hers there. Riley was all I dreamt about; all I ever wanted.

"Jamie...theres so much that I've experienced and making love for the first time is something I've never had. In the past..."

Riley paused her words. I didn't want her to be fearful of her honesty. "Tell me."

Her eyes seemed so big and innocent as she looked at me with those glorious green eyes. "I abused sex in the past. Picked up...bad habits." Riley abased her head as if shameful of what she spoke of. "I don't want to get carried away and bring those bad habits into our relationship."

"You won't."

Riley shook her head. "You have so much faith in me."

"Riley...I know your heart. I trust who you are." I waited until our eyes linked. "I need you."

Taking in a soft inhale, Riley motioned closer to me. I felt her smooth hands brush over mines before linking them. She pulled me into her as our mouths sat only a few inches away from each other. "Where's the bedroom?"

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