Chapter 5

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   [I want to give a shot out to purpleguana77 and mitzi_soch


   Thank God it was Friday. I was finished with my classes and I was eager to meet up with Riley and Tina. We'd planned a celebration for my breakup with Derek and I was a bit excited by that.

   After I ended things with him, I waited for the grief of losing him to come but it never did. It was more of a relief than anything.

   I wanted to eat off campus and there was places I always wanted to go to. It would be a drive worth it.

   I saw Riley coming from a far, pulling up in her car and I hopped into the passengers seat buckling up. "Hey," I said.

   "Hey," she said huskily. She scanned me over and arched a brow.


   "I'm just taking you in. First time I've ever seen you with jeans and t-shirt on."

   I looked over myself shyly, wondering if she approved. I wasn't use to this style of dressing, leaving my pressed pencil shirt for a pair of jeans. I felt self conscious in them.

   "You look beautiful," she said softly.

   I blushed shyly, as if her words were the best thing I'd ever heard. Was it that easy for me to become so flustered from simple words Riley said to me? "Thank you." I took a chance checking her out.

   She had on a black tank top tucked in, along with a jean jacket and blue skinny jeans. Her auburn hair was perfectly placed around her face a bit more curler than she usually had it . Sunglasses rested over her head and I smiled shyly as her olive green eyes turned to me.

   She noticed me checking her out smiling widely. "You like?"

   "A lot," I said a little too breathless. I sounded as if I was too fascinated by her to function properly. Why was I even having these thoughts? I had been questioning myself ever since I met Riley. There was just something about her that got my heart pumping double time. "You look great," I added trying to sound more natural and unfazed by her mere presence.

   "Tina can't make it. Seems Fridays belong to her study days as long as that guy is in it."

   I smiled. It was going to be just me and Riley. How did I feel about that? There I went again, questioning myself. "At least she's studying," I answered.

   "You cool with and I?" She asked cautiously.

   "Yes. Of course." I kind of always wanted it to just be Riley and me not that I wanted to dismiss Tina coming.

   "Then...we're off." Riley shifted the gear, immediately speeding us off.

   "Dave and Busters," Riley said chuckling. "Really?"

   "What?" I said a bit hurt. "My parents were particular about the places they took me as a child."

   Riley nodded. " never went to like...festivals or concerts...?"

   I felt naive now for ever saying anything about my inexperience in my social life. "No..." I said regrettably.

   "Art theaters...?"

   I wasn't sure if she was finding this disbelieving. I knew she wasn't trying to make fun of me. "No..." I was beginning to feel very insecure. "I did go to a ballet and opera performance. Things like that."

   Riley stayed quiet a moment. "I would have loved going to a ballet performance.." riley turned to me and smiled. "You will have a great time here,." she told me. "I just never pegged you for coming to a place like this."

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