Chapter 29

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   I made it to an old bar I use to attend on a regular, crouching over the counter in front of the bartender.


   The bartender regarded me with a smile already pouring me a gin and tonic. "It's been a very long time," she said.

   I nodded taking the drink. Her short blond hair slicked back as her blue eyes scanned over me. "Thanks." I held my glass up thanking her for my drink.

   "What are you doing here?"

   I frowned, taking a few sips. "Did I do something in the past to get me banned from here?" I asked serious really not sure of what I did in the past. I did a lot of things.

   "Well..." The bartender pursed her lips thinking of how to respond. I could see the thought process in her head. "After you slept with my girlfriend in the restroom of this place; would you qualify that as me having a reason for you not being here?"

   Oh crap. I had forgot about that night. I sighed, drinking up as much as I could, putting the glass down standing up to leave. "Sorry about that. I'll go."

   "Sit down Riley," she said. She began wiping down her counter with a towel smiling at me. "It happened over two years ago and honestly I was only mad it was her and not me you slept with."

   I looked up at her smiling as she winked at me.

   "Relax. This time I'm in a happy relationship." I guess my face read worry of her flirting with me.

   She sighed, leaning over the counter. "Why are you here?"

   I stared dubious to her question. Wasn't it obvious. "To drink."

   She smiled, rolling her eyes. "Did you move away or something...because you've been AWOL for over two years."

   I didn't want to answer so I took another sip instead.

   "Fine by me." She straighten back up. "Drink away your problems for all I care."

   "Excuse me?" I frowned. "You don't know anything about my life."

   "You're right," she nodded. "All I that your drinking due to your misery."

   "Hey love. You need any..." The woman stopped talking when she saw me. I didn't look up right away, taking another swallow. "Riley right?"

   I finally acknowledged her and it took me a moment until I recognized her. "Yeah...your the, uh...the doctor."

   She nodded. "Doctor Brennan."

   "You two know each other?" The bartender said curiously.

   "We oh..."

   "She recently treated my mother for a heart attack," I stated.

   I didn't want to give this woman a reason to worry about me sleeping with another girlfriend of hers.

   "Well...we met before that too," Brennan said. I looked confused. "Three years ago. You came to the hospital for a broken hand. Got into a fight I guess."

   I tried thinking way back and couldn't picture it.

   "Is she the..."

   Brennan nodded to her girlfriend. "Yes."

   "Wait...I slept with you?" I asked bluntly.

   "Pretty much. You were the one patient I ever crossed the line with." Brennan smiled shyly. "When I saw you in the hospital for your mother I thought you recognized me...but guess not."

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