5 Years Later

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   "You're looking delicious."
   I went up, pressing my chin into Jamie's shoulder from behind.
   Playfully, I blew onto her neck. Jamie shivered, grabbing my arms that hung loosely beside her. "Stop it," Jamie giggled.
   "I'm just giving you some loving." I pouted.
   Jamie shook her head. "I've heard that before."
   I chuckled, walking around Jamie. We were back in the condo, where we shared our first night together. "I'm glad we moved back here. I've missed my mom and siblings." Jamie narrowed her eyes. "And your dad and mother."
   It had been a few years since seeing  Jamie's mother. Her mom wasn't hostile anymore but always very quiet around us. We moved to Missouri where we finished off our Masters. Jamie finished the Bar exam, passing. Now I was taking up a new internship job as a forensic psychologist.
   Casually, I played with the wedding ring on Jamie's finger. "Two years."
   Jamie smiled. "And I'm still very much in love with." She slid her hands up from my shoulders, to the nape of my neck.
   I pressed the palms of my hands gently over her swollen belly. Smiling solemnly, I glanced down at Jamie's belly. "I would love to have a girl."
   Jamie smiled. "One of these babies might be a girl. In another week we'll find out." Having twins was not apart of the plan, but a blessing. Both of us were in those girls.
   We were still in the living room. Jamie looked back at the clock on the wall next to front door. She extended from her tippy toes, kissing me softly on the lips. "You think we have a little...you know...?" Her grin was visible to her intent. She kissed me again, this time soft and slower, teasing me.
   It worked. She lured me into a deeper kiss with much more eagerness than patience. I shivered when her hand slid down to my lower back.
   "I want you right here on the couch," she painted into my mouth after another tantalizing and fervent kiss. I pressed my mouth into hers, hard and hungry. My breath caught when my bottom lip clasp between her teeth.
   "Couch, sounds good to me." My raspy tone always caused Jamie to react much more erotic.
   Jamie twirled me to the couch, shoving me down. I heaved my shirt off, Jamie taking off her own. She straddled me, swollen belly pressed into my abdomen. She bent her head low to kiss me again.
  We kissed for what felt like hours. There was no getting bored or tired of kissing Jamie. It would be a sin not to kiss her.
   I picked Jamie up enough to turn her, back resting on the soft cushions of our couch. I straddled her carefully, kissing her deeply before trailing more kisses down her neck.
   When I reached her belly, I kissed it feeling our two babies kick excitedly. "Sorry babies. Your mommies are gonna be a little busy right now," I whispered to them. "Cover your little ears and go to sleep."
   Jamie laughed.
   "I don't think they're going to listen."
   I shrugged. "Too bad." I took Jamie's shoes off, massaging her feet before running smoother massage patterns up and down her legs. When I reached her thighs, my touches shifted to more of a feathery grazing of Jamie's flushed skin.
   She took in a deep inhale more frequently the closer I got to her center.  I pulled her skirt up, kissing her bent knees.
   I kissed Jamie's other knee, trailing kisses further down her inner thigh.
   Quickly, Jamie's hand shot out, squeezing my upper arm when my lips grazed her skin inches from her center.
   "Jeezus...Riley," she moaned breathlessly.
   I repositioned, pulling her hips at a angle. I got on my knees, half off the couch.
   "Be prepared to be sated." I dipped my tongue down first, stroking upward.  Immediately, Jamie's hips jerked, fingers curling into my hair.
   I sucked her swollen clit into my mouth softly, gradually adding pressure. The pink of her sensitive skin tasted of a salt and raspberry. She'd been on a berry binge for the last month.
  I grazed the tip of my tongue over her mound, causing another reaction out of Jamie.
   I knew my wife so well. I knew what she needed from me. I flicked my tongue rapid over her mound, slipping my middle finger slowly inside. I added another finger knowing one would not be enough.
   Jamie's body seemed to have a mind of it's own. She groaned out in multiple sounds, squeezing her thighs against my head.
   "Riley..." she moaned out a deep orgasm. I sucked a few more times slowly as her orgasm hit every nerve that shot from her clit to lower back and nipples.
   I removed my head from between her legs. Sliding up beside Jamie, I lightly squeezed her breast knowing that's what she wanted.
   Once her orgasm passed, Jamie sighed. "Wow...that never gets old."
   I kissed her cheek. "No it doesn't."
   Looking up at the clock, "it's almost five."
   We were having a welcome home party for ourselves that we knew everyone would throw. Instead of letting them plan it, we decided knowing they'd take over our home if we didn't do it ourselves. Then we wouldn't have had the chance to do this.
   I sat on the couch, Jamie resting her legs on my lap. "We have an hour to look presentable." I massaged Jamie legs.
   She wiggles her brows at me. "I think we have more than enough time for me to get you all hot and bothered."
    I laughed, arching a brow. "Hot and bothered, huh?" I stood, holding my hand out. "Come on and give me the orgasm I deserve."

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