Chapter 13

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   It was almost four in the evening when we arrived at my moms house. The chances of parking my car without my younger sister and brother coming out to ambush me was slim to none.

   Jamie and I mostly talked about our ambitions and dreams slipping around what I knew we would eventually talk about later. My past and her future. I hoped I was in that future with Jamie. To think less brought on an inevitable consequence of losing her.

   "They can be a little annoying," I told Jamie.

   She shrugged, not bothered by that. "I don't have any siblings. They look sweet." Jamie watched as my brother and sister walked out the house.

   I snorted. "Yeah...they'll tire you out. Trust me."

   I got out of the car and imminently my brother and sister lineback me as I lost my balance.

   "Riley's home," they screamed out. They were jumpy.

   "Dear God." I heard my mothers soothing voice. "Let your sister get up."

   After about twenty seconds I was dusted off and noticed Jamie shyly by my car.

   I smiled locking eyes with her as I waved her to come over. The wind lightly blew through her hair that I was pleased to see out and I admired her beauty a bit longer. She smiled back so innocently my heart almost caved. She was so beautiful when she blushed.

   My mother noticed Jamie. "Who's this beautiful woman that's accompaning my daughter?"

   As if the locked in eyes I had set on Jamie, or the way I stopped breathing by the sight of her couldn't answer my mothers question.

   "Riley's got a girlfriend," my sister blurted out.

   I narrowed my eyes at my sister, blushing underneath my embarassment.

   Jamie stood beside me combing her hair nervously with her fingers and held her other hand out to greet my mom first. "Hello Mrs. Matthews. I'm oh, Jamie."

   God she was adorable. She sounded as if she forgot her own name lost in the presence of my family.

   "Lord, call me Susan. No need to be all formal." Instead of taking her hand my mom pulled Jamie into a light hug. Jamie's eyes widen surprised and I laughed.

   "Thomas...Erika, show manners while Jamie's here," my mother warned them.

   "That means not embarrassing me," I stated clearer. They looked at me laughing.

   "Right she won't find out all your little stories later," my sister said amusingly.

   Jamie arched a brow. "Stories...I like stories."

   I gave her a warning glare. "We live together. Don't make it hard for yourself later."

   My mother waved for all of us to follow.

   Jamie kissed me on the cheek before following. "I wonder what I have to do to make it hard for myself," she teased.

   My mom already had dinner prepared and I was doing a countdown to when we could eat. She never disappointed me on a home cook meal. While my mother finished preparations having my siblings set up the table I took Jamie upstairs to my old room.

   Everything had been left the same. Jamie gave herself a small tour of my room as I stuck my hands in my pockets watchful of her expression. I spent a lot of time in my room through my teen years and all the way up until I moved out. Trophies of my running and softball years lined up across my stretched out bookshelves. Books were placed in the order from small to big, as small trickets from adventures were placed around it. I had a futon that was now set as a bed, and my small desk in the far corner.

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