Chapter 3

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Three weeks past and I thought the silent treatment and perfected avoidance Jamie gave me would pass by now. I was wrong for sleeping with Jamie's boyfriend but I wasn't the plague or some evil person.

I had told Derek that Jamie knew the truth and he freaked. I cared about Derek. He was the closest friend I had here but he was also an idiot and inconsiderate.

   He eventually talked to Jamie and she surprisingly staid with him.

  I was reading over my notes when Ricky, a guy that found every opportunity to talk to me, sat beside me. I was in the library, hoping I could avoid him. He didn't look like a guy that visited the library often. I was wrong. I didn't want to come off rude but I wasn't interested and never would be.


He was smarter than that. It was obvious what I was doing. I dropped my pen on the table, leaning back against the chair. I didn't look in his direction.."I have an exam tomorrow." He didn't pick up on the hint. "Ricky, your nice and all..."

   "But your main focus is school," he interjected.

   'Wrong.' I mean yes, my main focus was school, but it was a lot more to it. I decided to play into his drawn up conclusion. "I want to be at the top of all my classes. Can't with distractions."

"And I'm an distraction?" He said that like it was a compliment. "How about we be friends and when you can, we see where it goes..."

   Damn, he didn't quit. "I have to get back to studying." I pretended I hadn't heard what he said.

"Sure thing." He stood up. "Just think about it."

I was alone again and noticed Jamie disappearing in a section of bookshelves. This was my opportunity. I had to change the way she looked at me. I wasn't a home wrecker. I wasn't intending to be the first time.

I followed her into a role of books and when Jamie faced my way, she leaped, not expecting me. "Hey," I whispered.

She narrowed her eyes scrutinizing me. She looked adorable when her face squished up like that. "I'm busy."

"What are you looking for?" I asked. "Maybe I can help."

"I doubt that," she said about to walk pass me.

I snatched the piece of paper she was holding out her hands and immediately began searching for the book. She didn't have to be so bratty.l but i couldn't complain. I had fucked up.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you," I responded. I searched through the books, scanning carefully. "You're taking a child developmental class?" I asked.

She fidgeted with the sleeve of her sweater. "No," she shot out.

"O," I said.

"I want to," she added.

This was progress. She was talking to me freely. "Want to. Why don't you?" I realized I was prying. "Sorry. None of my-"

"My parents. More like my mother," she muttered. Though she was vague I caught onto what she was holding back to say.

"I see," I said.

Jamie scowled. "What do you mean you see?"

I stopped, searching a second and realized I hit some nerve I hadn't known was there. "Nothing. I just meant...parents think they know what's best...when its not what's best for us." My words sunk into her and she arched her head higher and then turned away.

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