Chapter 18

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   It didn't take long to escort me back to the cafeteria. I thought they would put me in some sort of isolation area but I guess not. Thankfully when I walked in there was a whole new set of guards and the woman I fought wasn't anywhere in sight.

   I turned facing the woman who was my cellmate, approaching. She had a grin on her face that stretched from ear to ear. "You are a lucky son of a bitch...despite how you look."

   I shrugged. As I faced the rest of the cafeteria varies women glared at me. Some with this sort of respect and others with anger in their eyes. I didn't care either way.

   "You made a lot of waves...good and bad in here," my celly said.

   I shrugged again walking slow and rigidly toward a table. My ribs were badly bruised. "I wasn't trying to be seen but I couldn't watch that woman pick on her." I didn't bother getting anything to eat. I knew I wouldn't eat it. I found a table that didn't have too many women sitting over at it. My cellmate followed, sitting beside me. "I'm Rene." She offered me a hand to shake. "Never took the chance to officially introduce myself."

   I hesitated to take her hand and she caught that. "I get that you hate being here but you can still be polite."

   I frowned and then reached in shaking her hand. "I'm Riley..."

   I noticed the woman that I had saved earlier approaching. When she was feets away it seemed everyone had their eye on us. 'great...more attention.'

   I arched a brow.

   She turned her head slightly from me, smiling shyly. She looked about twenty-two. Dang she looked innocent like Jamie. Thinking about Jamie now I frowned angry with myself for not being with her.

   She then frowned assuming my own was directed towards her. She was about to walk away but my voice stopped her.

   "You want to sit with us?"

   She turned back, a bit surprised and then looked at me wryly. "Oh...I-I don't want to make more trouble for you."

   I squinted my eyes at her confused and then looked at Rene.

   She huffed scratching her head. "You let her sit with you...your basically telling everyone she's under your protection and..." Rene looked up to the young woman, "no offense but your just about every bullies go to girl."

   The young woman shuddered as if hearing that her entire life. She probably had. I felt sorry for her but I didn't make any expressions on that. She didn't need that. Honestly she needed to gain mental strength.

   "Why are you in here?" I asked bluntly not caring that it was rude or none of my business.

   She seemed taken aback by my tone but answered anyway. "I boyfriend...he oh..."

   "He had drugs on him and gave it to you when the cops came," Rene said knowingly.

   The woman blanched than shook her head. "He came home drunk one night and started...he started beating me. I had enough and when I got free I grabbed one of his weights hitting him over the head."

   I frowned, baffled by the intensity of her story.

   "I killed him with one hit. His family is wealthy and since there is no proof of self-defense, I've been stuck here for the last few weeks."

   "I'm sorry you went through that," I told her. "Sit." I patted the seat next to me.

   " must have a death wish," Rene said.

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