Chapter 1

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I am creating a poll for which book everyone would love to see published next! I have been indecisive as to which of my stories to share and now I've decided to let you all decide! Please check out my page to vote!

Whichever book is voted to be published next will be rewritten(edited of course) and handed off to my publisher to release officially with a whole new cover and paperback options!!

It would mean a lot to have your support in my published books through Amazon! My latest stories are under my name Domina Alexandra!

Otherwise have a great read!



I pressed my long black polyester skirt and peach long sleeve blouse with my iron, taking away any previous residence of wrinkles. My mother always said being tidy was looking respectable. Today was very important. A great opportunity had arise and I was going to present it to my parents tonight.

I got dressed, pinning my crow black hair into a ponytail. I took in a long breath, brushing my skirt off, as if it already collected dust.

Tina, my dorm roommate and closest friend walked into our room dragging some newest boy toy meat in with her. "Oh shit," Tina jumped, startled by my presence. This was my room too. I could be here. I frowned, narrowing my cinnamon brown eyes at her. "Uh ... damn. Dang, sorry." Tina looked to the guy who had an 'is this gonna happen' glare in his eyes. "Heyya...Jamie," she said playing in her hair awkwardly. She knew I didn't want to know anything she was about to do, though it was obvious. I frowned turning my eyes away as if my mind prematurely saw what was about to transpire. I felt abashed for even letting it enter my mind.

I shook my head, sighing. "I'm heading out."

Tina nodded repeatedly looking partially relieved. "" she walked over looking lost in our own room. "Need any help."

I narrowed my eyes and she backed away. Rush me out why don't you.

I made it to the door right as Tina shouted 'good luck.'

I guess I would need it. I headed off campus, the sun caressing my ivory tone skin like a kiss caressing my cheek. I was supposed to meet my parents at 'Romans.' It was a quick go-to-restaurant my parents had been going to for years as if they couldn't find any restaurant better than that. Not saying it was a terrible restaurant just not a terrific one either. Many conversations took place in that Italian restaurant with my parents. Conversations about my future and what was always expected of me. Examples: it was expected of me to get excellent grades not good ones. It was expected of me to go to law school. It was expected of me to meet and marry a man of their liking. Conversations like that carried a long time in Romans restaurant.

Derek Jones, my boyfriend for a little over two years and big time athlete of our University's basketball and track team pulled up in his convertible wearing a grin that stated 'he looked great and he knew it.' If he was just into sports, my parents wouldn't have taken him serious. Since he was also on track to law school not to mention a Christian, they tolerated him. He wasn't their first choice or second but Derek was the one person I chose to have in my life without them dictating over me.

He reached across opening the passenger door as I climbed in, inspecting the seat first. I didn't want to sit on some old crumbs of chips or a drink his friends spilled.I knew who his friends were and they were identified as messy individuals.

"Hey." He leaned over planting a quick kiss on my lips. "You look nice."

I smiled shyly, still trying to get over the fact that he kissed me without permission.

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