Chapter 12

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Air rushed in and out of my lungs as panic stroke. "Riley, stop," I rushed out.

Riley pulled back and frowned, noticing my facial expression. I stared straight ahead at my father who eyes were strained on us like a man battling the urge to sin. To abolish me.

Riley turned, facing my direction and stiffened when her eyes connected to my father.

"Shit," I muttered feeling the mist of defeat.

Riley turned to me eyes widen in surprise. I was baffled myself. I never used any type of bad language, or more along the lines; secretly used foul language every once in awhile. This was one of those situations where an unusual word had right to spilling out or at least thats what I told myself.

My fathers face hardened and absently I opened the car door, leaping out. Riley followed my same motion. "Daddy," I called out rushing to him.

He put his hand up, stopping me. "Don't," he said sharply. He looked at me hard and disgusted as if I'd just surrendered my soul to the devil. That look in his eyes; I never thought I would see. "I can't believe you would do this to us," he sneered lowly. No one was around but his eyes continuously scanned the area making sure there was no one around. No, he nor my mother would never want the world to find out I kissed a woman.

I was shocked and hurt by his words. How could he make this about him and mom? Tears threatened to spill.

"Hey uh...Mr. Wells...I get you didn't expect this. But, please don't be mad at Jamie. She still your daughter," Riley said firmly. Her entire demeanor wanted to punch my father. I could see that.

"Stay out of--"

"No," Riley said defiatedly.

"No," my father responded surprised. He pointed at Riley gazing around and then fixed his eyes back on her. His posture was hunched over her and she stepped back. "You think you can turn my daughter into some"--

"Dad." I cried out. "Riley did nothing to me."

My father rolled his eyes snorting in disdain. I tried to reach for him and he snatched his arm away from me. We all heard my mothers voice and we turned to her. I wiped my eyes closing them shut as I fought back tears. Riley tried to walk to me but my father blocked her path. He looked straight ahead whispering; his face stayed calm as if nothing happened. "I won't tell your mother."

"What is taking everyone so long to head in. Our table is ready," my mother said.

She looked each of us in the eyes before turning off back into the restaurant.

We all entered the restaurant sitting down at our usual table as I sat next to Riley. My father tried to sit us apart but Riley wasn't having it. She cleared her throat eyeing him as if she was a sniper scoping out her enemy.

"Your usual Mr. And Mrs. Wells?" The waiter asked.

My mother nodded.

The waiter was about to walk off when Riley cleared her throat stopping her. "I would like a glass of wine. Doesn't matter which kind," Riley ordered never looking up to the waiter.

I nodded and sighed. She was handling this better than I expected.

My parents looked appalled. If they ever drank anything, which was rare, it was a half of glass of wine. My parents didn't think I was the proper age to drink and ordering more than a half glass was troubling in their eyes.

"Anything else ma'am?" The waiter hesitated looking from Riley to my parents. No one ever ordered outside of what my parents gave them.

Riley was basically making it clear that she wasn't someone they could control or manage. Not like me.

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