Chapter 2

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We all sat down around the table as a waitress approached with cherry shaded lipstick painted over her lips smacking on some gum. I smiled politely as we ordered and I couldn't help but stare at Derek and Riley. They seemed to be in their own world and that made me jealous. I wasn't clear on why I was jealous, or even who, but I was. Why did this always happen to me. I felt uncomfortable and out of place. Invisible was more like it.

   " finally made it," Derek said. "I bet your mom cried through the whole process."

   Riley laughed as if her mother crying was funny. It wasn't, I thought. Jealousy was talking mentally on my behalf. I stared at Riley, watching her head cock back slightly as she recovered from her laughter. Something about Riley was intoxicating and at this point I wasn't sure how to compete with that. "You know how she gets. She wanted me to tell you to call her sometime." Riley eyes danced my way a moment smiling fervently at me. I turned away not sure of why.

   "I'll do that," he told my new roommate. He sat back against his seat finally noticing me. Oh was that hard for you to do? Now he thought to finally give me; his girlfriend some attention. He gave me an awkward look. Something was off about it. Derek had told me about his friends back home but who was she exactly...I wasn't sure. Was it rude to question him out loud? I wasn't planning on drilling him only trying to understand his friends list.

   Riley Matthews was a beautiful woman. More than I could ever be. If I stood next to her in a beauty contest she would win with no eyes turned from her. She had auburn wavy hair that fell to her shoulders, with olive green eyes that any man could be enthralled in. Her thick lashes and small bitable lips were irresistible to the male species as well, I was sure of. Her figure was tone; athletically built.

   Jasper, Derek's friend, and a known pie hole, looked at me as if he saw pity and amusement in that. " do you two know each other?" He asked.

   He was trying to upset me and it was working. I sucked in my insecurities waiting for a response because that's all I could do now.

   "Well..." Derek was hesitating and no good sign. "We've known each other since high school." His voice came off a little more squeaky and I scrutinized him.

   "More like eighth grade, to be exact," Riley corrected. I heeded that Riley wasn't making eye contact with Derek no longer. I was observant. I had to be, in the account of, no one talked to me and all I did was stand or sit around in the background like a unnecessary ingredient in a recipe.

   "So you two are best friends?" I asked.

   Derek nodded, looking at Riley. "We were." He was quiet a moment bringing back his charming smile. "Hope to gain that back."

   My jealousy was doing the talking and I should have silenced myself. "You've never mentioned her."

    Derek made a look and then nodded. "Yes...I have."

    I tried to think of our conversations and I was coming up on empty. My life was going as great as it could ever get and I had no time for Riley Matthews coming and messing things up. I narrowed my eyes at Derek and then Riley, my small pointy nose wrinkling with a curious look. "I guess it's been a while since you've brought her up," I went along with it not trying to entertain this discussion any further.

   I was just saying; in my thoughts at least, any best friend of mines, my boyfriend would have heard about that person all the time. If anything, after two years I should have met her by now. She was like a secret friend. Well...he did say...use to be bestfriends. I needed to relax. Somewhere in my bible jealousy was not a great quality to have.

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