Chapter 35

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I held the fork up to Riley's lips waiting for her to take another bite of the beef stew I made. She told me weeks ago that was her favorite meal and I had been trying everything to keep Riley motivated. "Riley...please eat?"

   Riley closed her eyes, turning her head away as she leaned the back of her head against the pillow.

   "Riley..." she didn't turn to me and I frowned. "Everyone will be here at any moment."

   "I pre-prefer them here," she said with difficulty in putting her words together.

   I narrowed my eyes, puzzled to why she was acting like this. I placed the fork on the plate, setting it to the side. "You don't have to feel any shame." I was trying my best to not have my voice break but her behavior was beginning to worry me. Riley wouldn't respond to me, only staring off at some distance. "Talk to me." I hadn't meant to sound so angry but I was. How could I not? Every time I believed we were getting better, something would happen and Riley would distance herself from me. I didn't need her distance anymore.

   My father walked in with a bouquet of flowers. His smile dissipated when he saw the tension between us. His smile started up again not letting it stop him from his approach. "Good morning sweetie." I stood as he placed a kiss over my forehead. He laid the flowers near the table by Riley. "These are for you." He smiled at Riley but she only kept her head turned. "Excited to be going home?"

   Riley still wouldn't open her mouth. "Dad...thanks for coming." I needed to turn the attention to me. It was clear that Riley didn't want to speak. "What brings you here? Thought we would be seeing you later."

   "I came with good news," he said looking toward Riley. Despite her ignoring us, he took the chair from the corner, placing it in the direction Riley was looking at. He sat down and Riley rolled her eyes trying to switch positions but due to her severe weakness could barely move her head out the angle she was in.

   I heard the displeasure of my fathers intrusion to her wanting to left alone as she grunted. I was about to apologize for Riley's behavior but my father lifted his hand up, signaling for me not defend her as he only smiled. "The doctor say you're getting better."

   Riley only glared at my father as if he was speaking an untranslated language. The problem was, Riley didn't believe she was getting better. Riley lifted her left arm toward her bottled water, trying to get her fingers to untwist the cap. Her strength on the left side of her body was getting better, but was still fragile. Far as her right side, she could hardly move it, tiring out before she even lifted her hand.

   Her fingers fumbled with the cap opening it but not able to position her hand to pick the bottle up. I reached over trying to help. Instead of letting me, she knocked the bottle over purposely spilling the water over her and the sheets on her hospital bed.

   "Riley," I sneered. "Why would you do that?" God...she was being very difficult and stubborn.

   Her eyes turned, beaming onto me. "I doon't need...your help," she struggled out.

   I shook my head wanting to yell but I knew she was only hurting underneath. She refused to hear any of the lab results the doctor wanted to give her, living in her own self pity. "So you rather spill the water all over you?" My question wasn't meant for her to verbally answer. I only wanted her to see how irrational she was being. I wasn't going to say any more. Not in front of my father. Our problems were between Riley and I.

   I only picked up the nearly empty bottle going into the restroom connected to her hospital room, dumping out the rest its contents. I paused a moment, looking up at myself in the mirror. I sucked in whatever tears were ready to spill, holding my breath. I could handle this. Thats what I kept telling myself. Riley was only hurting. I closed my eyes, not ready to go back in there. Didn't she understand how much she was hurting me. I was hurting so badly and I needed her.

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