Chapter 20

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"Tell me from the top, what you saw and heard approaching them?"

   Jamie's father had asked me this same question for the past twenty minutes in several different ways. I was growing restless by the second. "How many times do I have to repeat myself?"

   Jamie squeezed my hand. "Riley...please."

   "This is pointless," I noted. "We're not getting anywhere with these questions. Seriously."

   Everyone for the most part had left the house saying they were going grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. I was happy that they were giving us privacy, leaving only Jamie, her father, and I alone.

    Jamie leaned her forehead over my temple as she tried to relax me. " father is trying to help." She spoke so softly I had to work to hear every word. "Please...try, for me."

   I sighed biting my inner cheek as I turned my gaze toward Jamie's father. He seemed highly uncomfortable with the proximity of Jamie and I. He turned his entire body in another direction avoiding seeing us two together. His expression seemed to harden with a decisive conclusion to how to handle seeing us together. He better get use to it.

   "Mr. Wells." He shifted his posture facing me. "I'm not trying to be difficult. I really appreciate you taking my case. I know you didn't do it for me."

   Mr. Wells grimaced. "Riley...there is much more to why I took your case besides the obvious." I didn't respond and let him continue if he had anything further to say. "Call me Paul. I think at this point and my daughter, calling me by my first name would be more appropriate."

   "I appreciate the gesture but I prefer to call you Mr. Wells."


   Jamie's tone of voice forced me to turn to her. "Babe, your father can't even face us without looking so devastated; as if our relationship is the end of your future." I turned to Jamie's father forcing him to look at me. "You haven't even tried to get to know me and yet, I can see disgust and anguish in your eyes. No offense, but let this just be business."

   "Hm..." Mr. Wells faced Jamie and back to me before changing his position. I watched his chest rise and fall faster before taking a long sigh, pulling out a chair for him to sit. "I have a few new questions for you...and Riley, I need your honesty."

   "Go on." I didn't know what he was going to ask and my muscles began to stiffen awaiting his questions. There was a lot I rather not announce to him.

   "With...what happened to my daughter. Her being attacked." I watched his eyes sway to Jamie and back to me. "Did what happen to Jamie...trigger anything from your past?"

   There was complete silence. All air sucked out from my lungs. "Nothing to trigger," I said, after a long pause. I wasn't going to recount memories from my past. It had nothing to do with now.

   Mr. Wells arched both his brows at me as if in disbelief. I didn't care what he thought.

   Jamie shyly looked my way as if something was bugging her. I could tell she wanted to question my response. I ignored her stare afraid of letting her read too much of me right now. I felt rigidity in my throat as if it was clogged up and my hands began to sweat. I was feeling exposed. Too exposed and I was ready to end all of this.

   "Riley, I can't represent you if your keeping secrets from me." Mr. Wells was pushing this subject.

   "Why are you asking questions that have no merit to this situation?"

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