Chapter 33

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"All of us here are someone or knows someone who has had their rights taken and the right to fight against those abusers overlooked; no ignored, because it was simply to hard or scary for anyone to acknowledge. What school wants the reputation of a rapist living on campus? Or any type of abuser...?"

   Riley and I walked inside a classroom filled with possibly sixty students and actual staff members listening to Marian give her speech about our school system.

I felt a bit overwhelmed by her speech and I only heard a few words. Riley seemed to look oblivious to what was being said, but the tight squeezing of her hand over mines told me she was very aware of every word.

I few people noticed us, waving for us to sit next to them and I had to practically drag Riley over as we sat next to one of the women who we met when Marian first approached us.

"Stephanie, right?" I whispered.

She nodded. "Glad you both could make it."

"I am too." I turned to Riley as Stephanie waited for Riley's agreement in coming. Riley only smiled being polite I supposed.

Riley had been dredding all weekend in coming here; so the idea of her warming up to this wasn't likely going to happen right away.

"Your girlfriend doesn't look like she's too happy in being here," Stephanie acknowledged.

I smiled awkwardly. "Well...she's just more observant."

Stephanie gave an 'O' expression before turning back to Marian's speech.

I pivoted to Riley's angle giving her a serious glare.

"What?" She said frowning like I was the one who was acting irrational. "Can you act like your slightly interested?"

Riley leaned back into her seat, snorting when she saw my serious expression. Something most be tickling her spirit to think I was not mad. "Riley..." I sneered low.

Riley huffed. "What?--babe...I came. I never expressed any type of happiness about this."

"Clearly..." I sat back against my seat crossing my arms over my chest.

I began listening to Marian again, ignoring the look on Riley's face.

Riley reached over and I discreetly popped her hand away. "Don't even think your getting some love tonight."

I watched from the corner of my eye as Riley's mouth dropped open. She leaned close to me, "are you seriously going to blackmail--"

"I'm not blackmailing--"

"Blackmail me because I'm not happy to be here?" Riley said that last part a bit too loud earning a few stares.

Even Marian stopped talking for a second, smiling at us as if she hadn't heard the exact words Riley said.

I mouthed 'sorry' and she continued.

When everyone brought their focus back to Marian I whispered to Riley's side. "Thanks for adding embarrassment to that list of why you won't be making love to me tonight."

If Riley believed for one second I couldn't hold my own for a night, she was wrong but I was angry and said it anyway.

Instead of arguing any further, Riley decided to sit back and I listened to Marian for a while before she dismissed everyone to mingle amongst each other.

She walked immediately over to me and Riley with only a polite smiles, despite the fact that we were the center of attention in interrupting her earlier. "Hey..."

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