Chapter 14

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It had been a few weeks since my not-so-pleasant ordeal with my bigot parents and I felt as if my life was in a bliss of elation. I wasn't going to allow their issue with what I felt for Riley stop me from being happy. Things were finally starting to fall into place. My grades were coming back up; the memory of the night Derek and Jasper tried to rape me didn't make me feel fragile anymore, and then there was Riley. She had been amazing supporting me and even opening herself up. I loved being with her. Touching her and feeling overwhelmed whenever she looked at me.

My heart sped, as I bit at my lip thinking of the many times we just pulled each other into passionate kisses. I knew how much she wanted me with just the look in her eyes.

We had been keeping our relationship private to the outside world. Riley didn't want people in our business and wanted as much time as we could with just us two. I agreed with her and we kept it quiet. My mind wondered if she was thinking about me at this very moment. I felt hot and jittery at the possibility.

I began to question exactly how I felt about Riley. I liked her a lot. But in the last few weeks, after meeting her family something deepen. I felt the root of our relationship grow. I felt like I never saw enough of her and we lived in the same room.

When I was with Derek; I couldn't wait to get out of his arms. I never noticed the slightest things that could possibly make him special to me. Riley was beyond different. I loved when she smiled at me and one part of her face rising higher than the other. It was a cute smile. Adorable. I loved the way her eyes stared at me longingly, making me enthralled in them. I loved the way she could make me blush off the simplest compliment. I loved that she wanted me for me despite my inexperience, or religious parents, or insecure worries. I felt stronger with Riley.

My heart felt utterly heavy as if someone was sitting on me and I almost felt like crying, thankful I had her in my life. I loved every part of Riley.


I only could hear Riley; see Riley; feel Riley.


I looked up hearing my name still in the blissful feeling I was in. "Yes..." I hissed soft and lustrous.

People started laughing and I immediately flushed, cheeks flaring red as I remembered where I was.

"Seems church girl got someone hot on her mind," one of my classmates teased.

I frowned embarrassed they could tell by how I responded to the professor and the nickname many casually called me. Despite how much I changed in the last few months, all anyone could see me as was the Dean's devoted church going daughter. Nothing more.

"Ms. much as I'm happy your getting some attention in life"... the entire class filled with laughter and it was over one hundred of them laughing..."I need you to stay focus. I asked you a question on the HIPAA law."

After the class silenced, I sighed. Why was I in this class. I didn't want to be a lawyer. But the semester was almost up and the least I could do is take something out of this class. A little additional knowledge never hurt. I cleared my throat. "It's a medical healthcare law that protects patients privacy."

My professor nodded and then continued on with his lecture until class was over. I grabbed my books, scooting out of my seat as I made my way out. I came up to the doorway hearing a few girls gossiping about someone.

"Yeah girl. I've been trying to make waves at her but shit...she's not seeing it." It was one of my classmates.

"Go to her. She is hot and has to be gay," the other female next to her agreed. As I walked around them, I followed my eyes to who they were talking about. Riley. My eyes shot straight to her as she made her way toward me. I didn't like the way these girls were staring at her. Riley was taken. I walked past them with extra heat to my step as I met Riley before she came close enough to the girls, yanking her back the way she came.

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