Chapter 11

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"Riley. Wake up sweetie."

For a minute I thought I was back home with my mom and younger siblings being awakened out my sleep for our family breakfast. I groaned resting my forearm over my eyes. "Not now," I whined.

A soft voice laughed and then reality kicked in. Not from the laugh but from the next voice that startled me.

"Get your lazy ass up," Tina shouted playfully.

I shifted my upper body forward turning to her loud voice. "Damn woman," I groaned, running my fingers through my hair. "I'm up."

Tina had her eyes arched staring at me lustfully.

"What?" I asked feeling a little self-conscious from her staring.

Jamie huffed, "Tina...turn away," she ordered. Jamie handed my shirt that was resting on the floor sliding off the bed. "We didn't do anything so get your mind out the gutter."

I forgot I took my shirt off late last night when I became rather hot. More along the lines of my sexual arousal was causing my body temperature to rise above its number balance.

I smirked, enjoying Jamie in a possessive manner.

"Damn girl. I'm just looking," Tina teased. Tina arched a brow at me. "What are you doing to her?" She said pointing at Jamie. "Girl sticking her claim."

I laughed and Jamie sneered walking off to the bathroom. "Hey," I sway my hands in the air acting defenseless. "I haven't done anything."

"Riley," Jamie called to me sticking her head out of the bathroom. "You still coming with me to church?"

She thought I changed my mind. "Of course," I told her wryly. She smiled and closed the bathroom door. I smiled to myself as Tina cleared her throat. I climbed out of bed walking over to my side of the room. I dug through the drawer searching for something to wear. "She needs me to go with her," I spoke out. I knew Tina was waiting for me to acknowledge her.

Tina walked over, sidling me and I continued searching through, looking at her from the corner of my vision.

"What's with you and religion?" Tina asked sitting on her bed. She wasn't going to stop staring at me until I answered.

"Nothing," I said briskly low. I pulled out some slacks and a blouse, then grabbed a bra and briefs closing my drawers.

"Bull shit," Tina said.

"Yeah...well. It doesn't matter." I narrowed my eyes at Tina. "I'm going for Jamie...alright?" I said sharply.

Tina nodded, furrowing her brow. "Alright."

"So...why didn't you two have sex?"

I huffed exaggeratedly shaking my head. "You are too damn know that?"

Tina shrugged. "Since birth."


I kept my hands tight on the stirring wheel tense from the anticipation of being a mile closer to Jamie's church.

My fingernails tapped rapidly on the stirring wheel and I bit at my lip as I tried not to feel the anxiety.

Jamie pressed her hand firmly on my thigh. "Relax." I shook my head nodding. "You've been to church before?"

Jamie had concern in her tone.

"Yeah." I bit at my lip. I didn't want to talk further about it so I kept my answer short and Jamie noticed, sighing.

"You ever going to share yourself with me?"

"I have," I said defensive. I hadn't really.

" haven't."

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