Chapter 32

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  "Mrs. Jones," I rushed out, just as Riley was about to slip her hand away from me. I caught her motion, linking our fingers and turned to her momentarily as she smiled apologetically.

   "Alethea..." Riley said. I didn't make any big expression that was noticeable but I didn't realize how close Riley was with Derek's family to be on first name basis.

   Derek's mother stared harsh at both of us, noticing are hands linked and then up to both our eyes. She gazed at me first and then Riley. "I thought we were family to you," she said to Riley.

   I wasn't going to allow Mrs. Jones to make Riley feel bad. She did nothing wrong and I knew how Riley would take it.

   "Mrs. Jones--"

   "I never liked my son dating you. I told him...if you marry the girl you marry the family," Mrs. Jones directed at me. My mouth dropped slightly never knowing she felt that way about me and my family. My mother, I could understand. But she was always nice to me. Not the kind of affection Riley's mother gave me but kind enough to make me believe she liked me.

   "Riley...I had told my son what you were going through and that the Lord would fix you. Lord only knows why you have fallen for the same woman my son did. You are not meant to be this way Riley. I know your mother--"

   "My mother accepts me," Riley stated. Her temper was close enough to be heard, but far at bay for Mrs. Jones to notice. I did.

   "Girl...don't be silly. Your mothers a Christian first. She said she would accept you only hoping you would grow out of this. She wanted you to live," Mrs. Jones stated matter-of-factly. She shook her head as if disappointed in Riley. "Telling you what you wanted to hear was the only way to keep you from trying to kill yourself again."

   My eyes narrowed to Mrs. Jones words forcing some truth about Riley I never knew about out into the open. Despite my shock I couldn't stand to see or hear what Mrs. Jones words were doing to Riley. "We got your message. Now if you excuse us. I don't want to be we're walking away."

   I turned and felt Riley hold us in place. I guess only one of us was ready to go. Riley looked confused as if she needed to confirm something. She shook her head as she spoke. "Why would you say something like that?"

   "Riley," I whispered.

   She looked at me and then back to Mrs. Jones. "I thought I had your support. I thought no matter would be here for me. That's what you said."

   How close was Riley to Derek's mother? It sounded as if in hard times she had cried on this woman's shoulders and now Mrs. Jones was talking to her as if she meant nothing to her. She wasn't acknowledging how her words were affecting Riley. "Oh dear, your mother didn't show you love the way you needed so I substituted. Doesn't mean I ever supported anything you did. I always believed you would end up with my boy."

   " you not get that I'm only attracted to--"

   "Please Riley. I know you and my son were intimate. And I know a lot more than your girlfriend here so don't give me one of those, 'I'm one of the gays' speeches."

   I didn't want anymore to be said; not like this. It was clear I was still blind to so much but I would not hear about it this way.

   "I let you and everyone pressure me into being with your son. I will never let others choose my path again."

   "Then I hope God--"

   "Mrs. Jones...your input is not needed," I said sharply, stopping her from saying the words I knew my mother had already said many times I'm sure. "Back off of my girlfriend...and if your mindset is working slightly correct you will realize how spiteful and cruel you're speaking. What is that saying you always preach: 'God doesn't like ugly.'"

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