Chapter 21

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   I stole a look at Jamie every couple of minutes after we all settled into the booth finishing our order. Rosslyn caught me sneaking a peek at Jamie and winked her approval. "How long have you two been together?"

   Jamie and I gazed at one another. I spoke. "Just recently. It took us a while to get to this point." I took a hold of Jamie's hand squeezing onto it firmly. We held each others eyes for a moment until Jamie blushed like I knew she would. "I'm just glad we're here now."

   Kirsten and Josselyn smiled holding onto each others hands as well. It was one of those moments to be thankful to be next to the person you loved because that's what I felt when I was near Jamie. Love.

   "How long have you to been together...married?" Jamie asked taking out the silence.

   Kirsten blushed answering. "Married three years. In total, we've been together almost six years."

   "The best six years," Rosslyn said stealing a kiss from her wife.

   I didn't want to intrude on their affection toward each other so I turned my attention to Jamie, leaning over whispering in her ear. "You are the most beautiful woman in this restaurant."

   As I pulled away, I could see Jamie's cheeks flaring. I kissed her cheek as I smoothed my hand down her bare arm.

   "Look at you two. I remember that year," Kirsten stated.

   "What year was that?" I asked.

   "That was the year we first realized how much we were in love each other."

   Hearing Kirsten say those words and basically point out the love clear between Jamie and I, my skin flushed all over.

   "Kirsten?" Rosslyn muttered.

   Kirsten put her hand over mouth. "I'm sorry. I'm invading..."

   I cleared my throat as I grabbed my cup of lemonade taking in long gulps trying to mentally divert the attention off of us. Jamie face was so red she looked as if she had first degree burns. "So...what do you two have planned for Thanksgiving?" I asked randomly.

   That seemed to ease the tension though Kirsten's words never left my mind and by Jamie's still red cheeks neither did it leave her mind.

   "We usually go to one of our parents house for Thanksgiving but this year we wanted to have it here and not do all that traveling."

   " moms the best cook in the history of all moms. She would love to have her new dining room table filled this Thanksgiving. Would you two like to join us?"

   "That's a great idea," Jamie added. "This will be a new Thanksgiving for all of us it seems. Why not join us."

   "Well...we don't want to be an inconvenience--"

   I waved their concerns off. "My mom would love you both." I grabbed onto Jamie's hand. "We are inviting you."

   Kirsten eyed her wife and then they shrugged. "Why not? This will be a new experience and I have a feeling we'll all be best friends soon enough."

   We all laughed agreeing and continued to talk until we separated to our vehicles. Once we made it to my motorcycle, I had Jamie alone again and the words that Kirsten said of Jamie and I being in love entered back into my mind.

   Though her words caught us off guard she was right about how I felt about Jamie.

   "That was fun. Really great idea inviting them to Thanksgiving," Jamie said.

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