Chapter 9

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My eyes fluttered open slowly as if my eyelids were too heavy for me. I began to stretch and the pressure of Jamie's body reminded me of last night. It had been the first time we stated our feelings for each other aloud.

Jamie moved around over me, breathing softly as she continued to sleep. I looked down at Jamie as her hair swarmed over her face. I brushed her hair away with the tips of my fingers as I grinned at the beauty that radiated from her. She felt right in my arms.

I used my free arm that hung off the side of the bed, reaching for my phone, placed on her nightstand.

Eleven a.m.

We slept in. I yawned turning to see if Tina was gone like usual by this time. Tina startled me, her eyes were trained on me like a sniper rifle. It was creepy. I looked around feeling a little awkward. Tina had the biggest grin on her face.

"What?" I whispered.

Tina looked as if she had a million things to say. "Y'all look sooo cute...God I couldn't believe my eyes when I came in last night," she screeched lowly.

I rolled my eyes looking back down at Jamie who was now awakening. I guess she heard Tina's screeching.

"Morning," Jamie mumbled.

My face curved into a smile, whispering morning back to her.

"Aww...y'all are so in lala land," Tina hissed out.

Jamie lifted her head up to Tina who was now walking over to us. "Please don't go telling--"

"Girl, I know how to keep a secret," Tina cut Jamie off. "Y'all need time to y'all selves. I'm just happy that...whatever this is, you both are getting somewhere." Tina kissed both our foreheads and headed to the door. "I just wanted to see y'all when you woke up. I have that fine ass man to get to."

"What man?" Jamie asked confused.

I grinned. "The guy from her study group," I told her.

"Yes girl. Damn...Andre is so fine. I could eat--"

"Okay-okay. Don't want to know," I rushed out. Tina had a dirty mouth that I and I know Jamie didn't want to hear.

"Whatever girly. Adiós you two." She blew us a goodbye kiss heading out.

I shook my head facing straight up. "That girls too much," I laugh lightly.

Jamie straddled me hovering her head over mines. I could tell whatever confidence and urge she had planned diminished once she faced me. Awkwardness and fear cross through her face and I lift my hands up to her face as she instantaneously relaxed over me.

"You don't need to worry. It's just me," I assured her. I was sure Jamie was afraid of her own actions and emotions toward me. I never expected her to be one hundred percent comfortable with the idea of us this fast.

She snorted placing her forehead against my chin. "Exactly," she mumbled. "It's you."

I brushed my hands down to her shoulders and over her arms before moving them back to her face. I lifted her head up so she could face me again. "You have nothing to worry about. I don't expect you to do anything you're not comfortable or ready to do." I lifted my head upward kissing her softly on her cheek.

Jamie grinned pulling up. "I have to go to the bathroom."

I nodded letting her get up. Once I was alone, I sat up contemplating my next move. I wanted to do something special for Jamie. Plain and simple, I wanted to be with Jamie. I wasn't sure all she was ready for but I hoped what I had in mind she would say yes to. I lifted off of the bed and began pacing with a lot on my mind. I only wanted us to have one day to ourselves forgetting about the things that were stressing us out. The things that Jamie had been suffering through.

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