Chapter 17

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  I could barely tolerate the process. After I changed into my mandatory jail suit I was near my breaking point. I had enough and the guards didn't make the process any easier. They were ruthless and bullies finding every moment to make me uncomfortable. I felt exposed and belittled by the time I sat on the hard bottom bunkbed, in a small cell that was less than fifty square feet.

   My emotions weren't tamed and this wasn't something I could ever imagine living like on the regular. One punch was all it took to land me here and have my rights taken away.

   My cellmate was already sleep at the top bunk, so I slowly scooted into the bed trying my best not to wake her. I couldn't sleep in here. I needed privacy to cry and scream and they couldn't even provide me with that. How did they expect people to come in here and stay calm when they couldn't give us a moment of privacy to work through our emotions. I clutched my jaw shut breathing through my nose. Shifting my knees into my chest, I leaned my lower back against the wall rummaging my fingers through my hair. I couldn't sleep in here. 'Fuck.'

   I needed to get out of this situation, quickly. My thoughts were flying all over the place, untamed. I didn't know what to feel first. Anger or depression.

   The next morning I had awoken still in the position I was in when I fell asleep. The guard came up, tapping his keys on the metal cell. "Get your ass up," he called out.

   My cellmate jumped off the top bunk and straightened herself before looking at me. Her arched brow told me she didn't realize I was here. She never spoke to me and I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing.

   I got up and followed her out. I made it into a small cafeteria where other prisoners were lined up to get their breakfast. I turned back to one of the guards. "Can I just go back to my cell?" I felt frantic, my emotions uncontrolled.

   "No," he said bluntly.

    No! I couldn't understand why not. This shit hole was not a place for me. I licked my lips staring around. A few women smirked at me and I frowned. I felt closed in and trapped. "Have you heard anything...from a lawyer; somebody?"

   "Does it look like I have the answers. Go..." The guard shoved me toward the area he wanted me to be.

   I snarled, biting my lip by his aggressiveness.

   "We have a problem?" The guard asked.

   "Don't fucking--"

   "She's new sir." My cellmate came out of nowhere speaking for me. "I'll show her the ropes."

   The guard nodded. "You do that."

   As she stirred me toward the line where I had to get my food she let go of my arm. I didn't realize she was touching me. My body felt so cold and numb. "He's a jerk. have to watch yourself."

   My mood was all over the place. Being here--I just couldn't last long. I stayed quiet getting my food.

  I sat with my cellmate as she began telling me about how I should act in here and all I could do was get angrier never touching this dry sticky oatmeal. The toast was partly burnt and stale. Only thought that entered my mind in being here was, 'I couldn't do this.'

   "Are you listening?" she asked me.

   I finally looked up to her but never answered as someone else caught my attention. There was this woman who stood easily five feet-nine inches tall, bullying a woman who looked younger than me. I turned back to see if the guards were still standing by the entrance and they were. Actually they were watching and laughing at the situation. The back of my shoes started to tap vigorously on the ceramic floor as I watched the altercation, baffled. This woman had no chance.

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