Chapter 38

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  I let the Officer search me not paying in mind to his excessive touching. Jamie stood beside me putting on her jacket back on.

"Sorry ladies. We're required to search any visitors," the Officer apologized feeling embarrassed for the search.

In unison we both said we understood. I know definitely on my end of things I understood. When I spent the night in jail, their version of searching was far more degrading then this.

"You will only be able to see him through the glass window. There will be a phone there to use," the Officer told us.

We both nodded, following him into the next room. I had decided sometime after the Rally I wanted to confront Derek. Jamie and I both wanted to confront Derek. I didn't need to hear anything from Jasper, only Derek. We had years on our relationship and if I could understand even the slightest why he harmed Jamie and to get the truth if he really tried to protect me and why...I would try to get some answers.

I had talked to Josselyn and she told me I may never get my answer and to be prepared for it. That's how life was on many occasions; full of questions with no answers. If only I could control how others acted. That was my problem. I always dwelled on why people made the choices they made; focusing more on that. I should have focused on how to stay on top and get through the things that happened to me due to others choices, because at the end I was only hurting myself. I could no longer blame others for why my life sucked. Now, I could face my issues head on and no matter how this visit ended I would get though it. This wasn't the end of my happiness; only the true begininng.

Jamie stopped me from motioning to the seat in front of the glass window that would separate us from Derek. She rested her hand on my shoulder rubbing it a moment until she dropped it down linking our fingers. "You ready for this?"

I shook my head. "I should be asking you that question." She was the one who was physically attacked by Derek with full memory of it. "How are you?"

Jamie smiled, brightness flaring from her eyes. "I no longer feel the shame or humiliation that they brought me. I am secure in who I am and will continue to smile after today."

"Please take a seat ladies," the Officer ordered.

We took our seats sitting close, side by side as we waited for Derek to show on the other side.

A thought formed in my mind. "I never thanked you for staying by my side when I had to spend the night in jail. You didn't have to..."

Jamie squinted her eyes. "Yes I did." She continued to stare at me and I turned to her giving her my full attention. "Yes...there could have been another way for you to protect me against Jasper that night...but you had already tried and I told you not to call the cops."


Jamie pressed the index of her finger against my lips. "Let me finish." I nodded. "I had no clue of the things you went through at that time and seeing what almost could have happened to me, must have been traumatic for you. Plus Derek was your friend at that time no matter how shaky your relationship was with him. You helped me. You took care of me and made me feel safe again. You chose me and fell in love with me, despite all that and my controlling mother." We both saw a door open from the other end of the glass window but that didn't matter. By the look in Jamie's eyes, seeing Derek come into view wasn't going to stop her from finishing what she had to say. "I love you. You are and will always be my only love. You gave me all of you when another woman would have left me." I saw Derek from the corner of my eyes but continued to listen. "I will always be the same exact way you were for me love you, insanely." After Jamie was finished I leaned our foreheads together feeling a few tears fall from my eyes and I welcomed it.

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