Chapter 37

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  "You look great." I walked over to Riley, crouching down between her legs where she sat in her wheelchair. My eyes danced over her, happy to have her near me. I leaned forward dropping my gaze down to her lips painted with lipstick and brushed my lips over hers. Riley opened her mouth enough for us to share a deeper kiss as I moaned content with our momentary passion. Riley looked at me with her intoxicating green eyes, mascara darkening her eyelashes.

   "Alright you two," Tina chided. "There's people all around."

   I looked up at Tina smirking. "When did you grow some modesty?"

   Tina frowned as if my words insulted her. "'re not even funny."

   Andre, Tina's boyfriend came up swooping her up into his arms. He placed a huge kiss on her cheek and both Riley and I witnessed Tina blush. "Hey baby..."

   "Look at you," Riley teased Tina. "You're glowing."

   Once Andre put her down, Tina narrowed her eyes at Riley. "I'm black. I don't glow," she said sarcastically.

   I was about to add a comment but Marian and Ricky approached.

   "You ready?" Ricky asked me.

   I turned to Riley. Her smile assured me that everything would turn out fine and I nodded. I kissed Riley again standing up, as I allowed the ambiance of others come into view. There was crowds of students and our University faculty staff standing in varies areas around the Rally stage. I left Riley at the side of the stage where I saw my father and Riley's family approaching her.

   I walked over to Marian at the center podium, crowds of people silencing as we stood waiting for the noise level to quiet. I couldn't help look back at Riley smiling at me with support in her eyes.

   "Good Evening. My names Marian and I am a member of Brothers and Sisters Barring arms." She gazed around continuing as I stood quiet, feeling a little anxious and self conscious. "Turn to one another. Take this moment to see who your standing next to." Students and staff of our University took the moment that was offered checking one another out. "It is estimated that for every thousand women attending a University, there are thirty-five incidents of rape. We can not even calculate men who are sexually assaulted. Nine out of ten will know their rapist." Marian's voice began to build with strength, bringing her message across to all that was close enough to listen. How many of us knows someone who has been bullied or attacked or pranked on?" Marian had the crowd silent. My heart pounded fast from her words thinking of my experience in being bullied and nearly raped. I took a deep breath trying to relax my nerves. Again, I had to turn to Riley taking in some of her support. "Really see who you're standing next to because around you all...are survivors of people who have been bullied, physically and sexually assaulted."

   Everyone gazed around and from a far corner a guy who looked about twenty shouted out startling everyone. "I was a victim of bullying and sexual assault."

   Twenty feet from him, a woman shouted as if this was her first time getting out her pain. Her voice bellowed loud enough to echoe across. "I was a victim of bullying and physical assault by my ex sorority."

   I smiled when the woman looked relieved to finally say that for all to hear.

  "I was a victim of rape by a student." There stood directly in front of me, one of our University professors.

   It took me a moment to process that impact their words meant. I knew they were going to make these shout outs but actually seeing it was much harder than I expected. I felt pride in standing next to Marian as she moved the crowd with new emotions about what was really going on in our Universities all across the world.

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