Chapter 19

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The next morning as I opened my eyes to the blaring sun smacking my face, I momentarily forgot where I was. I moved my hands around feeling empty space and sighed laying my head back on the pillow. I felt like something was missing without Jamie in bed with me. I tried sitting up by the soreness in my ribs plopped me back down. I decided on laying a bit longer though I was missing Jamie already.

   I figured she was downstairs with my mother so after I gained enough courage to endure the pain I decided on taking a shower. I hadn't felt clean in the last few days. Being inside of jail wasn't an experience I wanted to relive. I felt guarded and tense the entire time wondering when someone would find it upon themselves to challenge me again.

   I dug through my dresser finding a pair of jeans and a V-neck shirt to put on. After pulling out everything I needed, I headed to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

   I put everything over the sink catching my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't help but stare at myself as if being in jail had changed me into a person I hadn't recognized. I still had the same olive green eyes, dark lashes, auburn hair and ivory skin. The only thing different was the bruises and stitches on my face. My body was still nicely toned, though I could see a change in my posture. I felt and looked stiff as if the best masseuse in the country couldn't take away this feeling. I shook my head not liking the sight of me no longer as I turned on the shower.

   The first feel of hot water made me wince as my body slowly adjusted to it conduction to my skin. I seemed to get carried into my thoughts as I washed myself with a comatose expression and slow motion. My expression felt dull. After my shower I put on my briefs and sports bra  and groaned by the pain and difficulty due to my injuries and then headed into my room being caught off guard by Jamie.

   I leaped slightly, breathing hard as she let her eyes roam over me. She looked stuck in place and I began to feel self-conscious with her eyes on me. I was always comfortable with being exposed in front of other women, but with Jamie; I cared about what she thought of me in every way and right now I wasn't in the best of conditions. I knew that deep down Jamie was proud to be with me and I should not worry about if she found me attractive. Usually I would be streaming with confidence.

   I began to put on my shirt, lifting my arms up painfully slow. I don't know how Jamie moved as fast as she did but she had and began sliding her fingers over my bruised abdomen. "I don't like seeing you hurt." I shuddered to the soft touch of her fingers on my now flushed skin.

   I smiled cheekily. "I promise. I usually win my fights." Jamie didn't find my comment funny and I wiped my smile off.

   "You're so beautiful..." Jamie said absently. Her expression was serious and focused on my body. "Keep your shirt off," she told me.

   This side of Jamie; when she was in one of her intense moments, she could get all superior and possessive in a sexy way. It was like that button up, iron pressed skirt type of woman went out the door. But that was never her. It was her mother. Jamie was growing into the person she was always meant to be.

   I did as she asked, obediently tossing my shirt away.

   Here I was, standing in a sports bra and briefs in front of Jamie and all I wanted was for her to touch me further. We still hadn't reached that level of intimacy yet and I knew that it was my fault. I kept scaring myself out of it. Jamie wasn't any woman. She was a woman that I was falling for. I never quite thought of Jamie that deeply until now. I always knew that I cared about her...a lot, but my mind hadn't allowed me to see just how deeply I felt about her until now.

   Jamie stepped closer and I absently took a step back earning a frown. I turned my head away for a few seconds before facing her again.."Jamie..."

   "Hmm?" She responded, staring me in the eyes, the brown in her eyes igniting like a rich brown sugar. Her hair was neatly put in a bun and if I had my way I would be letting her hair down at any moment.

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