Chapter 15

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   "Riley..." I leaned over Riley as she snored lightly in her sleep. After officially making the decision to publicize our relationship we studied all night caving right to bed after.

   Our intention about being open wasn't to make a point or show off in some kind of way; but making a stand. We wanted to be happy without any restrictions.

   "Riley...get up." I shook her lightly and she growled mumbling something.

   "Why can't this woman ever get out of bed?" Tina laughed. "You want me to wake her ass up?"

   I frowned. "Tina?"

   "Girl...calm down. It am not even that serious. I said ass. It's in the Bible.." I rolled my eyes as she put on her boots and grabbed her deluxe purse, putting a few notebooks in it. "Seriously. I'll wake her up."

   Riley groaned. "Gosh...I can hear you. You are never allowed to wake me up." She yawned and I finally stood back up.

   "Girl, then wake your ass up on time then. Class starts in like thirty." Tina picked up her purse and then walk over to the fridge grabbing out a shake.

   "No...actually my class is later today," Riley retorted.

   I ignored their conversation, looking inside my closest for a jacket. We didn't have a window in our room but wet foottracks in the hallways of our dormitory suggested rain.

   "Why you getting her up then?" Tina asked me. She never stopped with her snoopy questions.

   "She's walking me to class," I answered. " see my jacket?"

   Riley yawned sitting up further. "You left it in my car. I don't think you will be dry enough to wear that out in the rain."

   I blushed at her calling me babe. I wasn't going to ever get use to that. I was hers and it felt good being claimed. "Okay, but I don't have any other jacket."

   "Wear mines," she said matter-of-factly.

  I arched my brow. "What about you?" I asked concerned. I didn't want her to get sick. "I'll just wear my sweater underneath--"

   Riley stood waving me off as if me considering her health was being a nuisance. "Jamie...I'll be fine."

   "O my God. As cute as y'all are, we are never gonna leave if you both keep doing this," Tina said jokingly. "Jamie...wear her damn jacket. Riley...put on some pants."

   I looked down at Riley lower extremities as she wore only briefs. My eyes staid on her toned shape, intrigued to the view of her body. My heart scattered in my chest, air heavy in my lungs by the sight of her.

   Riley caught me staring and winked and having me blushed like a sucker. As she put on her pants she spoke. "You know one is keeping you here."

   "Shut up Riley," Tina said playfully.

   Riley laughed.



   It hadn't taken long to get to campus and when Tina saw her boyfriend she acted as if we hadn't existed, running off into his arms. The rain had died down and I was finally able to take my hood off.

   Riley and I were alone now, walking up to my first class. Once we walked inside the building Riley shook herself wiping her wet face. She refused to wear a hood or carry an umbrella.

   She wore her black leather coat with a beanie. Riley's Auburn hair clung to her face and I turned to her, moving some of it out her eyes.

   "Thank you," she said smiling adorably at me. "Can we meet up after our last class at the café?" She looked so cute wet from the rain.

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