Chapter 24

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   "I didn't know they were coming." Jamie leaned over whispering in my ear.

   I sighed quietly as everyone's eyes seemed to stare from me and Jamie to her parents. "I'm not mad. Let's just hope this goes well."

   "'s nice to finally meet the woman," my mother's tone was a bit high pitched, "who brought an amazing woman into this world."

   Jamie blushed at my mother's compliment and I couldn't help myself in adding, "Amazing indeed." I put my arm around Jamie squeezing her into me as I kissed her cheek. "My beautiful ray of sunshine."

   Tina smirked, trying to compose her smile as Mrs. Wells didn't take well to my smooching her daughters cheek. With how Jamie was looking tonight, she would be getting more than a smooch on the cheek, but I would spare her mother of that detail.

   Jamie's mother smiled tightly. She couldn't pretend half grateful for the invite of coming into my families home without me slamming the door in her face.

   "I'm Kirsten and this is my wife Rosslyn." Kirsten smiled politely at Jamie's parents.

   When Jamie's mother looked up at our two new friends I saw a look of hysteria in her eyes. She was probably wondering how many more gay people were sitting at this table.  Let me help her out. "This is also my friend Pete." Pete waved at Jamie's parents cheerfully as if clueless about their bigotry. Oh, he knew. He just didn't care. "He was a big support for me when I came out."

   Jamie coughed and I shifted my eyes to her. She was trying to shield the smile in her face. "Don't worry. I don't like women," Pete said smiling proudly.

   Oh boy. My mother arched a brow. "Pete...thanks for the details on your life. But how about we all share what we're thankful for."

   "Aww mom...can we just eat." Erika whined leaning into her seat.

   "If your sister can pray and be thankful, so can you." Tina smiled as I stared at her blankly by her meaning. "Oh...My bad. Didn't mean it that way..."

   " more personal inputs for the day." Andre told Tina. I liked her boyfriend even more now.

   I knew what she was trying to say though it came off wrong. How could I pray and be thankful to a God that is stated to condemn me like I know Jamie's mother believes? Easily. Because I believe that whatever God was out there was more focused on how I lived my life with what I believed, my morals and values; not because of who I loved. Because no matter what even in that bible God spoke of the deepest feeling of love and how it was a pure emotion. And that's what I felt for Jamie. Pure love.

   "You pray?" I don't think even Jamie's mother realized she spoke aloud. But she did speak out of term with sarcasm in the idea of that.

   I was about to say a few words that may have ruined this dinner like, 'you pray too?' when Jamie grabbed my hand. That clutched my jaw shut.

   I sighed, breathing through my nose.

   "Let's start off with you, Tina. What are you thankful about this year?" My mother asked.

   Tina took my mom's question to heart. "Hmm..." with a huge smile on her face she spoke. "Well it took some doing...but I got my boyfriend here. Awesome roommates that are my closest friends..." Tina blabbed on until it was her boyfriends turn and then off to Ricky.

   Ricky smirked. "Well...when I first met Riley I wanted her. I tried everything to snag her up. Even danced for her."

   I laughed at the memory of that.

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