A letter from the prince

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You were a bartender working at a very famous bar in the city of Los Angeles, the bar was famous for not just its delicious food and cocktails, but famous for starring in several films. You even had the honor of starring in a few of them, serving drinks to several famous actors and musicians. The bar wasn't too busy so it made your shift less stressful, and it allowed you to relax while you made and poured drinks for guests. People always said you were the best bartender in town, and they were right about that! you were a master at making drinks and there really wasn't a drink you couldn't make. There were many reasons why you loved it there but the main reason was it kept you distracted, not having to worry about other things, including the fact that you were a vampire. And not just any vampire, you were a part of the blood communion, a council formed by prince Lestat himself. Lestat was a highly respected monarch and ruled over all in peace. Things in the world were peaceful thanks to him, the idea of peace between mortals and immortals was something you admired.

Later that night you were about to take another customers order when you spotted someone in a gray cloak, you turned away so no mortal could see your eyes change color, looking at a symbol that was concealed in the cloak. You knew it was a member of the council, they had sent a message to you through the mind gift, telling you it was a matter of importance. The customer waiting was getting impatient when the hidden figure used their mind gift to send the person away. You approached the cloaked figure, "What brings you here?" you asked in a low voice. "I have a message from prince Lestat." said the figure, whos voice was soft for a man. "You must be a fledgling, I have not seen you before. I wonder why Lestat would trust one, no offense intended of course." you said. the man chuckled softly. "You have quite the sense of humor Miss Y/N." said the man. you smirked. "Well played, it seems you learn quickly....now tell me who are you?" you asked. the man removed his cloak, revealing the face of a young man in his early 20s. He had long curly blonde hair, green blue eyes, pale skin, and dressed like an 80s rockstar. "I am prince Caspian Salvatore, I have come to give you this." Caspian handed you a letter shortly after introducing himself.

You turned the letter over in your hands, it was sealed with a wax seal with the symbol of the blood communion imprinted in the wax, you carefully opened it. The letter was written in a language that only vampires could understand. Your eyes slightly widened, knowing what the message meant. And it was urgent, without another word you left the bar with Caspian and made your way to the chateau by the cloud gift. Ready to see the prince on behalf of his message. 

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