You run into him

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Imagine you're running away from home and you run into Lestat de Lioncourt.

(A/N: This was an idea I got after reading a set of imagines by @baybay08, I hope you all enjoy it and please read her/or his stories they are amazing! And FYI I apologize because I don't know if the user is a boy or girl LOL.)

It was nighttime and you were running through the streets of Los Angeles, panting as you ran and sweating while carrying a small bag over your shoulder. You were running away from your abusive aunt, it was no use dealing with her anymore. Enough was enough. You told your aunt that you wanted to live in a house of your own, you were old enough to do it and it was time for you to move out and start living life as an adult. But your Aunt was too high and messed up to understand. While your Aunt passed out you packed up a small bag with all your belongings, climbed out your bedroom window, and ran away from her. Moments later you realized that you didn't know where you were going and you didn't have a place to stay. All you did was run through the streets of the city.

Later on you stumbled upon a dark alleyway, the lights flickered down the path and there was a door at the end of the alleyway. You were very curious as to what the door led to. You began to walk down the alleyway to see it for yourself, you were getting closer when all of a sudden you noticed a group of people coming around the corner of the alleyway. It was a group of teenagers about your age, they were laughing and messing around with each other. You ran and hid behind a stack of boxes that were against the wall of a building. You watched as they went up to the door and tried to open it. "HAHA, you see ya can't open it." said one of the boys. "Oh really? back off I'll do it!." said another boy as he tried to open it but couldn't. Then you watched as two girls tried to open it and failed. "I would do anything to get inside Draculas daughter! I would mess up some shit in there man." said one of the boys, making the rest of them laugh.

You remembered the story of Dracula's daughter as it was a hidden bar only known to vampires. You thought it was a myth until you laid your eyes on it. They were about to leave when one of them said "Well if it won't open, I'll just light the shit on fire. make them come out haha." laughed the other boy. The girls laughed. "Do it! DO it!" chanted one of the girls. The boy smirked and took out his lighter. He was about to light it when suddenly he was grabbed and thrown from the door. Then his body dropped to the ground, lifeless. The two girls screamed and began to run. It was a scary sight to see. All of them were killed one by one by what seemed like an invisible force. It moved too fast for you to see.

When you heard the last boy whimpering you turned to his direction and saw him trying to escape. You rubbed your eyes and then you looked again, this time you saw that the boy was being held my a young man dressed in black leather clothes. You couldn't see his face since his back was facing you. The boy struggled to free himself of the mans grasp but it was no use, the man seemed to have a lot of strength to keep a good grip like that. He brought the boy down to his height and without hesitation, bit down on the boys neck and drank his blood. Draining him dry. "A vampire!" you whispered as you backed away slowly. Getting away from the scene. Before you could move any further the back of your heel hit a rock and you suddenly fell backwards causing you to exclaim.

The man turned towards your direction, he must have heard you fall. At that moment you could finally see what he looked like. His skin was pale with blood dripping from his mouth, brown eyes, long brown curly hair that was almost shoulder length, and dressed in black leather clothes. He was also very tall and muscular for his age. He threw the lifeless boy to the side and walked in your direction. When you saw him coming towards you it made you back away slowly, you felt scared slightly but were brave nonetheless. You suddenly felt trapped when you back touched the wall. He got really close to you and stared at you, his face just inches apart from yours. "Many who cross my path are known to run in fear of me, but you....You show no fear. Not even the slightest.." he said in a deep voice. Which sent chills down your spine. "I fear nothing." you said. The man smirked. He could definitely see that. "What are you going to do? you gonna hurt me?" you said, your voice had a slight bit of anger in it. The man caressed your check and stroked it lightly with his thumb, which was ice cold. "No, I will not. I do not see myself doing such a thing to you." he said in a soft voice. "You're not gonna hurt me?" you asked. "No ma cherie, I have had quite enough this evening and I do not wish to hurt a beautiful woman such as yourself." he said as he tucked a strand of your (h/l) (h/c) hair behind your ear, which sent chills down your spine.

He reached out a hand for you to take, you took it and he helped you up. While he did that he couldn't help but stare into your (e/c) eyes. They were just so beautiful to him. For some reason you thought that even though he is a vampire that had just killed a group of teenagers you somehow felt a strange feeling developing inside you, you felt that you could trust this man. "Thanks." you said finally, breaking the silence between you two. "Of course ma cherie, now if you will excuse me I must return to my mansion." the man said as he turned to leave. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood off his face. "Wait!" you called out. causing the man to stop in his tracks and turn around to face you. "Yes ma cherie?" he answered. You hesitated at first but then you spoke "May I come with you, I have no place to go...And I can't go back home." you said. The man looked as if he was thinking before saying "I don't see why not, after all I would hate to leave a beautiful woman such as you in this alleyway alone." he said. Then glanced down at your shaking legs, which were sore from running so much.

"Ma cherie you are shaking, I believe it would be best if I carried you. If it's alright with you of course." he said. You nodded. "Yes please...and uh..thank you." you said. The man approached you and picked you up bridal style, you held your small bag against your chest. He began to walk down the streets of the city towards his mansion. "Ah forgive me for not asking, what is your name?" he asked. "My name is (Y/N), (Y/N),(L/N)." you replied. the man smiled. "What a beautiful name. I am Lestat de Lioncourt." he said. "Your name is very unique Lestat, I like it." you said as you snuggled your head against his shoulder, which made him smile a bit. As you got closer to the mansion you told Lestat about yourself and why you had run away from home. Lestat was disgusted at how abusive your Aunt was towards you and threatened to kill her. You told him that now wasn't the time. He nodded to show he understood. On the other hand he really enjoyed hearing you talk about yourself. He thought it was interesting, and what really made him smile was that you loved rock music. Lestat loved rock music more than anything! When he told you he was a rockstar you couldn't believe it, and you told him that you would love to hear some of his music and see him perform live one day. Lestat laughed. "Ah I can arrange that miss y/n." he said winking at you. making you giggle.

Soon enough you arrived at the mansion, Lestat brought you inside and set you down. You took in how beautiful the mansion was. It was huge! And the most beautiful mansion you've ever seen. As you looked around you couldn't help but yawn, you were very tired after a long journey. Lestat noticed it. "You seem tired ma chere, you are welcome to lie down." he said. You nodded. "I am pretty tired." you yawned. Lestat carried you to one of the bedrooms and placed you gently down on the bed, he placed the blankets on top of you as you got comfortable. The bed was so comfortable and you found yourself falling asleep. "Thank you Lestat." you said falling asleep. Lestat smiled. "You're welcome ma chere. Now get some sleep." he said in a soft voice, he leaned down and kissed your forehead. He got up and was about to leave before you stopped him. "Lestat?" you said. "Yes y/n?" he replied. "Will you stay with me?" you asked. "Of course." he said walking back towards you. He climbed into bed with you and wrapped his arms around you. Holding you gently with his strong arms. You snuggled up against his chest and fell asleep instantly. Lestat soon fell asleep next to you.

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