He makes you feel better

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You had been sad lately and felt hopeless, there was just so much going on. School, work, and other life things. And one things for sure the whole quarantine thing wasn't helping at all. Lestat noticed this and felt bad for you. He saw you lying alone in bed and he sighed. He hated seeing you like that. He came and sat down next to you. Placing his right hand on your back and rubbing it gently. "What's wrong my love?" He asked. His voice soft and calming. "It's nothing Lestat I'm fine." You lied. "Y/N, there is clearly something wrong, I can sense it. I am here for you, always. Now tell me what's wrong?" He asked again. Lifting your head back up with his fingers. You sighed. "Alright, it's just.. I worry about a lot of things and the more I worry the worse it gets. I am not doing well in school and I have a job and family to worry about. Hell I don't have my license yet, I'm sick of asking for rides and I hate it when my parents are on my back when it comes to things that are private to me. I just want to scream and fucking lose it! I can't do this lestat!! I'm done with this shit!" You said beginning to cry. "I just want to give up on school and just work a crummy ass job for the rest of my life. That's literally where I'm gonna fall right now.." you said. Your face fell into your hands and you sobbed. Lestat picked you up and held you in a gentle hug. "Y/N it's alright I'm here, I know it's hard. Believe me I have been there before. And I know that feeling well, I felt it once and I do feel it sometimes but I don't let it consume me." He said. His words were comforting and soothing. You looked up and wiped away your tears.

"Y/N, I love you with all my black little heart. I know things are different and difficult but you can do this, all of us struggle from time to time. But that feeling is normal, we all experience it. Don't let yourself fall into that dark place. I have lost others to that before and I shall not loose you. Stay with me and I will always make sure you're happy. And if you need help don't be afraid to ask for it, I love you and so does our great family. We are here to support you every step of the way. No matter what happens." He said. You felt your tears drying and a sense of happiness returning to you. Lestat's words made you feel better, and you felt so lucky to have someone like him in your life. He was always there for you no matter what. "Thank you for those words Lestat, I feel so much better. But I still need to figure it all out, I just don't know how." You said. "I can help you there my love, whatever it may be. And if I don't know the answer then I will find someone who does know how." He said. You embraced him again and your lips met in a passionate kiss. "I love you so much Lestat, and thank you. I will stand and fight and if I need help I will ask for it. Even if I am shy." You chuckled. "That's my girl." He said. You laughed. 

Lestat always made you feel better and you knew that he would be there for you always.

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