Singing a song to win your heart back

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(Imagine lestat sings to win your heart back after the recent events with queen Akasha.)

Lestat p.o.v.

I was heartbroken, (y/n) had left me because of what happened between me and the queen. I feel so miserable. I never thought my rock music would awaken such evil and it would drive the love of my life away from me. (Y/N) means the world to me. She has made me feel alive, and when I was with her i was not alone. She had healed my cold heart. (Sighs) god I miss her. I must find a way to get her back. If there was a song I could sing...wait...that's it! A song could work. She always loved it when I sang to her. And I think I know just the one.

(Third person p.o.v)

Lestat was determined to win (y/n's) heart back. He decided to sing the song live at the nightclub. Which was clever because he found out she would be there with her friend Jesse. This was going to be his chance.

At the nightclub, Jesse and (y/n) were dancing and having a great time. (Y/N) wasn't thinking about lestat or what had happened. It was almost as if she had forgotten. But deep down she hasn't and wants to forgive him. But she isn't sure if she wanted to.

After dancing for a while (y/n) was sitting at the bar having a couple drinks when all of a sudden she heard another song play and a familiar voice singing. Jesse tapped (y/n) on the shoulder and said "(y/n)! Look!"

You looked in the direction of the voice and your eyes widened to see lestat. He was singing to you. His voice was so beautiful and it caused a spark to go off inside your heart. You were starting to feel that love for him again. And you were on the verge of tears.  Lestat looked straight at you as he sang the song.

Once the song ended you both ran into each other's arms. Holding each other tightly as you embraced one another. You were sobbing. "I forgive you lestat, I'm sorry I should've understood what was happening to you..I love you.." you sobbed.  "I love you too (y/n)" Said lestat. And you both closed the gap between you two with a passionate kiss.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Said lestat.

You nodded and the two of you left the club.

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