Meeting him part 4

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You were working on an invention, when something went wrong. the machine activated too early and it sent you somewhere. you landed in the woods, on the ground. Thank god you weren't injured or anything. But the clothes you wore had tears in them. It looked like you were a poor woman in rags. 

"Where am I? where did it send me?" you wondered. Soon enough you heard the sound of hoofs running towards you. A group of soldiers led by a woman found you. The woman leading them gestured for them to halt while she got off her horse, approaching you. "Who are you miss?" she asked in French. You didn't say anything since you didn't know french. You knew it a bit but you weren't fluent. "Do you speak english?" you asked. The woman nodded. "Yes." she responded. you sighed. "Thank goodness." 

"I will ask again, who are you? and how did you end up in these woods beyond the Auvergne?" she asked. You felt nervous in her presence, especially in front of her men, who were staring at you. The woman could tell you were uncomfortable, she ordered her men to return to the castle and that she would be back soon. The men obeyed and rode off into the night. 

"I am Y/N L/N, I'm a...." you paused. thinking of something to say, not wanted to give away what you truly were, and that you came from a different time. "I'm an author, and an actress from America. I was on a ship with my cast when we encountered a storm, we were on a course for London when our ship had taken a wrong turn. the wind was too powerful and caused our ship to sink." you explained. "And are there any survivors?" she asked. you looked down, shaking your head with a sigh. "No ma'am, I am the only one. At least as far as I know, I do not know if anyone else has." 

"I see, and I do not mean to judge, but your clothes are quite strange. I have not seen such a thing before. Is that how Americans dress?" she asked. you almost blushed. "No, we dress as everyone else does. these were clothes I had taken from the wreck. It was all that was left to cover myself." you said. The woman seemed to believe you to your surprise. You had thought she would find you an imposter. She could tell you were innocent and very cold. "You look so cold." she said, offering a hand to you. "Come with me, I will bring you to the castle. Perhaps the prince can settle this matter." you took her hand, allowing her to help you up. She mounted you on her horse before mounting herself and riding off towards the castle. you held on, with your arms around the woman. She seemed to be one of the princes soldiers to you. 

"If I may ask, what year is it?" you asked as you rode off. "1785" responded the soldier. You felt your heart sink at those words, you didn't believe it until you were approaching a large french castle or chateau. It did not take you long to realize that you really were in the late 1700s, when you arrived at the castle you realized whos castle it was. You saw the lion crest and knew it had belonged to no other than Lestat de Lioncourt himself. the soldier brought you the great hall, where the prince himself was waiting. 

You caught sight of the handsome prince, he was as beautiful as he had been described in the books, even the films made about him. The soldier took a knee before the prince, then gestured for you to do the same. You knelt before the prince. "My lord, our borders are secure as you requested. However I came across this young woman here." the soldier pointed to you. She spoke to Lestat in french, then translated what she said to prince to you. Lestat stood up from his throne. "Rise." he said in English. you and the soldier rose, surprised he could speak English. 

"My lord, if I may... when did you learn to speak Enlglish?" she asked. Lestat approached her and placed a hand on her right shoulder. "A good question, for another time. You have done what was needed of the crown." he said before dismissing her. the soldier left, Lestat then looked to his guards and nodded to them. they nodded in return, closing the large double doors as they left the great hall. 

He sat down on his throne, then gestured for you to come. You obeyed, standing a few inches away from him. Your eyes darted to his ring and then making eye contact with him. You noticed his nails were like glass, and could see his veins showing a bit. His eyes were wolf like and almost like glass. the tips of his fangs showing every now and then. He was already a vampire, a fledgling still but, it seemed like he was in control of his powers already. 

"What brings you here madame? and might I ask what has happened?" he asked. his voice sent shivers down your spine. but you remained calm and collected. "Forgive me my lord, I was traveling you see. I am an actress from America, myself along with a large group of other actors were on our way to London to perform for a rich aristocratic family. My ship was caught in a storm and caused it to turn away from London, our crew tried to turn it around but the storm was too fierce. I escaped just as the ship sank." you explained. 

"It seems you are the last one yes?" he said. you nodded. "I don't mean to boast dear, but your clothes are quite strange." he said. you almost blushed. "Well.. my people tend to dress very strangely in America." you laughed nervously. Lestat almost smirked. "I see." he muttered. "Well, your story can wait." he said standing up again. He called for one of his servants. A female servant came in right away. "Yes my lord." she said. "Find this young girl a bed, and fill her belly with some hot food. Tend to every need she requires." he said. The servant nodded. "Our course my lord, right away." she said, taking your hand. Before she could run off with you, Lestat asked for your name. You told him your name and then ran off with the servant. 

Leaving Lestat alone in the great hall, curious about you.   

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